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Ratyboy Adventures tests your speedrunning skills on Xbox


ratyboy adventures
Grab that cheese with Ratyboy Adventures

Ratyboy Adventures, from the dev team over at 909games and published by Weakfish Studio Publishing, aims to have you pulling out your hair, as you shave off those precious milliseconds!

Releasing right now on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One, following on from a March 2023 release on Nintendo Switch, it’s actually a mouse that you play as in Ratyboy Adventures, but we will let that one slide. As this tiny rodent, everything in the house you find yourself in is super-sized; it’s a good thing that you have some cracking jumping and climbing abilities, as these will be needed to devour all the cheese in each level.

Whether it’s the bedroom, an office, or the laundry room, whichever human inhabits the room certainly has a thing for cheese, as well as a thing for wasting the yellow stuff – it’s everywhere! Therefore, it is your job to platform over to every single piece, ensuring no nook or cranny is left unexplored.

With a timer ever-present at the top of your screen, egging you on to finish each level in record pace, the emphasis is well and truly on speedrunning this title. Be sure to dodge the perilous hazards in each level too – now who left all this fire in the office?!

Ratyboy Adventures is now available on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. For Xbox players, you can pick up a copy via the Xbox Store for £4.19.

Game Description:

In this 3D platformer game where we play as a mouse living in a big house, we try to collect the stars placed at certain points in the rooms of the house and overcome the challenging platform Explore dozens of different specially designed levels and pick up cheeses hidden around the rooms, leaving no item to collect in the level! Easy and comfortable controls allow you to lift your character onto objects bigger than you, grab onto small ledges and walk on them to find ways to reach your goal! With a timer that runs while you play, you can try again and again and compete with yourself to finish in less time! Enjoy the changing environment and atmosphere with the appropriate items for each room and try to finish all the levels with the best score, as each one will feel different!

I'm an avid gamer who will play pretty much anything... but stick an open world or adventure game in front of me and I'm more than happy.
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