Search results for: platformer

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Ayasa: Shadow of Silence – A New Platformer Blending Mystery, Horror, and a Touch of Little Nightmares

You'll soon get the chance to be captivated by a world shrouded in darkness and mystery with Ayasa: Shadow of Silence.

Nine Sols Rises on Game Pass, Xbox and PC: A Hand-Drawn Action Platformer with Sekiro-Inspired Combat

A journey into a world of Asian fantasy and cyberpunk aesthetics awaits as Nine Sols rises onto Game Pass, Xbox and PC.

Laws of Machine: A 2.5D Puzzle Platformer Where Robots Rule

Badri Bebua, the developer behind the narrative-driven platformer Adrian's Tale, is back with a new challenge: Laws of Machine.

Pyramid Platformer – The Gem Heist Uncovers Treasure on Xbox and PC

Fancy embarking on a thrilling quest through the depths of an ancient pyramid? Do so in Pyramid Platformer - The Gem Heist on Xbox.

Factory Escape: Roll Your Way to Freedom in This Challenging Puzzle Platformer

Can you escape the clutches of a deadly workplace? Factory Escape on Xbox and PC will give you the opportunity to prove it.

Duck Run: A Quacking Good Time for Platformer Fans

Get ready to embark on a thrilling adventure with a brave little duck in Duck Run on Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo Switch!

Kiki – A Vibrant 3D Platformer Review

Kiki - A Vibrant 3D Platformer is a game low on ideas, which even then are poorly implemented. As platformers go, it’s a stinker.

Rumours from Elsewhere: A Roguelite Action Platformer with Permadeath and Peril

It's time to embark on a perilous journey into a world of ancient magic and unforgiving challenges with Rumours from Elsewhere on Xbox.

Hannah: A 3D Cinematic Platformer Explores Childhood Trauma on Xbox and PC

Hannah is a deeply emotional journey that takes players into the depths of memory and fear. And it's available now on Xbox and PC.

Pyramid Platformer – The Gem Heist: A Treasure-Filled Adventure Awaits on Xbox

This one should allow you the chance to embark on a thrilling quest through the depths of an ancient pyramid. At least that's the plan with the release of Pyramid Platformer - The Gem Heist on Xbox.