With reveals and announcements coming at us from all angles, it’s time to try and digest everything in our weekly podcast. Attempting to do so are Gareth, James and Paul, who also have a number of games already out in the wild to share their opinions on. Get ready for TheXboxHub Official Podcast Episode 82 to feature Horizon Forbidden West, Far Cry 6, Rust, An Airport for Aliens Currently Run by Dogs, Long Ago: A Puzzle Tale, and more. There’s even talk about a couple of the latest films to hit streaming services. So, you won’t want to miss it.
While having a catch up, the opening segment goes from the Europa League final to reminiscing about comedy TV series that hold up well today. Despite having busy weeks, two thirds of the team have seen Army of the Dead on Netflix, while Amazon Prime had an interesting offering in the form of Palm Springs.
Talk then turns to what they’ve been playing in the past seven days, which unearths a real variety of games. Expect to learn more regarding the brutal world of survival experience Rust, the ball rolling conundrums of Long Ago: A Puzzle Tale, the bizarre yet absorbing nature of An Airport for Aliens Currently Run by Dogs, and the nostalgic Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection. Someone also went old school with Skyrim and wonders how good it plays nowadays.
And finally, the trio focus on the exciting gameplay unveilings that have arisen recently, starting with the gorgeous journey into Horizon Forbidden West. There’s also new footage to discuss from the next instalment of The Dark Pictures Anthology, titled House of Ashes. Then they move onto another highly anticipated sequel, Dying Light 2: Stay Human, which certainly provided great insight into the parkour zombie action. Last, but least, is Far Cry 6 and its incredible DIY weapons – as well as an unforgettable animal companion.
Feel free to comment on anything discussed in TheXboxHub Official Podcast Episode 82 or ask any questions for us to answer in future episodes!
As always, full show notes are available over at https://www.thexboxhub.com/podcast
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