HomeTheXboxHub News...Unique city-sim Buildings Have Feelings Too! is coming to...

Unique city-sim Buildings Have Feelings Too! is coming to Xbox One


Buildings Have Feelings Too! No, that isn’t a statement from us, but instead the title of a unique city-sim game from Blackstaff Games, which has been inspired by the rich history of the developers’ home-town, Belfast. Did we mention the city you’ll be managing is alive?!

Due to a partnership with publisher Merge Games, Buildings Have Feelings Too! is coming to Xbox One and it’ll be a city management experience like nothing else. In this city, the buildings can walk and talk to one another, each with their own personal aspirations, hopes and fear. The mission for you, the player, is to help grow the city and ensure the individual buildings thrive; if they don’t, they’ll be demolished.

Over time, new industries can be researched and new architectural marvels built. But it’s not all rosy as world events might cause buildings to fail and businesses to go bankrupt, so you must discover new ways to meet the city’s needs. This could involve refurbishing a building or just simply grabbing it by the hand and moving it to a nicer part of the neighbourhood, where it’ll be more comfortable. Making progression will open up the opportunity to grow the city further, allowing for multiple neighbourhoods. There are also specialist areas, such as busy finance hubs or bustling theatre districts, whilst other factors such as the electricity supply, noise pollution and transport will add more complexity and challenges along the way.

Buildings Have Feelings Too! is launching on Xbox One as well as PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC. You’ll have to wait to find out exactly when, but as soon as the release date is set, we’ll let you know.

James Birks
James Birks
Been gaming casually since the SNES as a youngster but found my true passion for games on the Playstation 1 (the forbidden word ooo). My addiction grew to its pinnacle with the purchase of an Xbox 360 & Xbox Live Service. A recovering GS hunter that will still play literally any game.
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