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Wales Interactive reveal new FMV title – Gamer Girl


If it’s an FMV thriller you’re after, then chances are Wales Interactive are behind it. And even though their chilling Maid of Sker is set to launch real soon, Wales Interactive are continuing on with further experiences, with the latest announcement focused fully on Gamer Girl.

Due to come to Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch and PC this September, Gamer Girl is the next chilling FMV thriller that features livestream simulation. Developed by the team at FMV Future, and pushed out in publishing terms by Wales Interactive, Gamer Girl is set in the world of online streaming.

Provided by the writer and director behind The Bunker, Gamer Girl will come Xbox One, PC, PS4, Xbox and Nintendo Switch as you adopt the role of a moderator for up and coming streamer ‘Abicake99’, who’s back online after the mysterious disappearance of her friend Becky. As with most other FMV experiences, you should expect to find Gamer Girl featuring multi-branched narrative and real-time chat simulation, as your role as moderator sees you controlling the stream, levelling up mod powers, guiding Abi’s choices and uncovering the threat she faces by an anonymous predator who hides in the stream’s chat.

Gamer Girl is the first live-action video game to have been entirely improvised by the cast, in a production style similar to what was found in The Blair Witch Project and Paranormal Activity. You see, throughout development the actors would react to pre-scripted stream text as well as live chat that was written during film takes by the scriptwriter. It’ll star Alexandra Burton as Abi, and features David Wayman, Rebecca Calienda, and Sofia Maffei with cameos by real streamers including CyborgAngel.

It is also the first multi-branching FMV video game with a micro-management meta-game – where players constantly have to analyse and react to a constant stream of chat comments whilst texting Abi and helping her make the right choices.

This will work with you focusing on the following ideas:

  • Manage the user’s comments in the chat stream
  • Choose to reward them for good behaviour & ban them for trolling
  • Unlock more powerful moderator abilities as you progress
  • Earn Candies, likes and subs to keep Abicake99’s mood positive
  • Increase Abicake99’s viewers and subscribers to keep her career on track
  • Make the channel a success to earn upgrades
  • Warn, ban and reward comments in the chat stream
  • If you fail Abi will kick you off the stream and it is GAME OVER

And there will also be a pretty branching narrative in place with Gamer Girl delivering multiple story paths and hundreds of choices and permutations. It will be here where players help Abi choose which activities they think would further her streaming career or enhance her mood – workout sessions, gaming, cosplay, chill streams, IRL trips, board games, chibis drawing (ちび or チビ), etc.

Just remember though, for every decision made, there will be a consequence to take hold. Should you encourage drama to increase Abi’s ratings or take the safe path but risk losing viewers?

Will you be looking to check out Gamer Girl when it arrives on Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch and PC in September 2020? Hit up the trailer below and then let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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4 years ago

This game sounds pathetic and degrading.

4 years ago

Degenerate game.

But hey, ban weeb girls, Sony. Seems legit.

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