As the world keeps revolving, the Xbox stories just keep dropping and there have been a number of new articles for us to take a look back at in our weekly roundup. What are our favourites from the 24th-30th April 2016? This lot shouldn’t be missed.
Are the free Xbox Games With Gold titles for May 2016 any good?
We can’t possibly start anywhere other than with this months free games.
The Xbox Games With Gold scheme is back and once again bringing four free games with it. Now, after a stunning April, there is little chance that the scheme could continue in the same vein and unfortunately that is most definitely the case with this months free titles.
But should Xbox One and Xbox 360 owners still be excited by the games gifted to them this coming month? We stick our thoughts down on paper (or at least on the internet for the world to see!).
Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Xbox One Closed Beta thoughts – Have I been sold a world of Glass?
Closed beta periods can make or break a game. Thankfully, the recent one for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst has pushed the latest free running experience right into big-time hype territory.
Jumping back into Faith’s shoes once more, we were mightily impressed by what EA and DICE gave us with the few days and limited time allowed in Catalyst. With the now iconic red beaming through the minimalist world better than ever before, the parkour aspect working brilliantly, and a decent number of missions and side missions for us to get involved in, we are now looking forward to the full release date like never before.
The city of Glass can’t come soon enough – even if we do now have to wait until June.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Special Editions, story info and full 101 trailer released
We were devastated when Deus Ex Mankind Divided was delayed until later in the year, but each and every time a new piece of info regarding the game drops, our excitement levels pick up once again.
That has most definitely been the case this week as Square Enix have revealed more of the story, a full trailer covering everything you could possibly want to know about Adam Jensen’s latest adventure AND a whole load of details regarding the Special Editions that will be released, including how we can get our hands on that delightful figurine.
The only question you have to ask yourself now is whether or not it’s worth the huge outlay!
Let’s Play Brick Breaker on Xbox One
Breaking bricks goes back many a year, but now in 2016 we get to check out the latest brick basher on Xbox One.
We’ll have a full review up for you pretty soon but we thought it would be good to get a quick Let’s Play video out there showing off a few levels, and plenty of the gameplay, found in Brick Breaker on Xbox One.
You may as well have a watch – it may just tempt you into a purchase.
Up Next – A look at the Xbox One and Xbox 360 games out in May 2016
We close this week’s round up by taking a look at the new games that will be dropping onto store shelves near you throughout the month of May 2016. It may not be the busiest month on record but it’s going to be a fairly decent four weeks as the likes of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Doom, Battleborn, Project Cars, Sherlock and Homefront: The Revolution arrive.
Should you be buying any of the above? There are a few that we reckon will be experiences that shouldn’t be missed (seriously, if that Turtles game is anything short of stunning we’ll need to find a hat to eat!) and you can check out our thoughts in the article – or in the video accompanying our Up Next piece – below. We’d love to hear what you think.
Catch you next time!