HomeTheXboxHub News...Assault Android Cactus to energise the Xbox One X...

Assault Android Cactus to energise the Xbox One X launch come 7th November


If you occasionally game over on PS4 or PC, then you may well have heard of Assault Android Cactus. But in just a couple of weeks time, you’ll finally be able to play the twin stick shooter on a decent controller – that of Xbox One X.

Arriving alongside the launch of the console on 7th November 2017, Assault Android Cactus will come with native 4K 60fps at launch, as the action-packed arcade-style twin-stick shooter developed by Witch Beam, hits the Xbox One marketplace for $14.99 USD.

It will also include an optional developer commentary, whilst gamers will have the opportunity to try before they buy with a free 30-minute trial of the upcoming console version on both Xbox One and Xbox One X.

Assault Android Cactus will see you following Junior Constable Cactus and her friends across 25 action-packed levels as they regain control of the Genki Star space freighter from robot workers running amok. Expect lasers to fly as androids dodge bullets and attempt to send five bosses back to the scrap heap, all before their batteries drain away.

Every second counts in Assault Android Cactus as you will need to make your way through endless swarms of robots, grabbing power ups and batteries as you do so. It does however replace the traditional life system with a continuously draining battery – so should you stop fighting, will find that your survival is on the line.

Nine vibrant android heroines will each come with their own character-specific primary weapon with infinite ammo and a more powerful secondary weapon with a cooldown timer. The art is knowing exactly when to switch between the two, and that could well be the difference between victory and defeat on the ever-changing stages. Accessible gameplay makes Assault Android Cactus an intuitive title for one to four people to pick up and play.

There will be a variety of game modes too. Infinity Drive throws out wave after wave of mechanical minions, whilst you’ll be able to rumble with the big boys with the Boss Rush mode or drop by the Daily Drive to challenge a new scenario every day. Unlock EX options that open up a first-person perspective, powerful MEGA weapons, or an A.I. partner to bring along for the ride.

“The spirit of our game comes from a love of the arcade culture we grew up with,” says Santana Mishra, director, Witch Beam. “I’m excited Xbox One owners will get to experience Cactus’s non-stop action, and in glorious 4K HD on the Xbox One X.”

We’ll be sure to remind you when Assault Android Cactus is available on Xbox One and Xbox One X. For now – trailer anyone?

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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