Ryan Taylor

Grew up playing the Nintendo 64 where I fell in love with the Legend of Zelda series. As I got older though my console of choice changed, first to PS2, and then finally to the Xbox 360, which I've been playing on for over a decade now. And since my first day booting up my Xbox, I've upgraded consoles and even built a gaming PC. Because at the end of the day I just love gaming.

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Latest Articles:

Nine Sols Review

Anyone looking for a tough metroidvania game, one with an immersive story, needs to check Nine Sols out now.

Uncle Chop’s Rocket Shop Review

Yes, the puzzle systems are complex and deep, and it is genuinely satisfying to fully repair a messed up ship in Uncle Chop's Rocket Shop. But the roadblocks to get there are rougher than you may care for.

Death Stranding Director’s Cut Review

If you are looking for a truly unique game, with an off-the-walls story, Death Stranding Director’s Cut will be seen as a treat. 

Great God Grove Review

Despite a couple of flaws, the Great God Grove has a ton of personality and sets out to do what it wants.

Raven’s Hike Review

Raven's Hike is a simple game built on a simple mechanic, but it does it well.

REDO! Review

The base mechanics of REDO! aren’t inherently flawed and everything plays like it's supposed to, even if it doesn't always feel like it.

Disc Room Review

Disc Room is a straightforward game that’s built on a simple concept, but is also incredibly addicting and challenging

Omori Review

It's the narrative that makes Omori something special. Subtlety is an important part of good storytelling because it makes you think and it makes you want to talk about it.

Endzone – A World Apart: Survivor Edition Review

Endzone - A World Apart: Survivor Edition is a fantastic addition to the Xbox lineup. It could use a little more optimization and there are a couple small bugs that need to be squashed, but it is an easy game to sink tons of hours into.

The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe Review

The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe doesn’t disappoint and you will enjoy all the new content included! It is buckets of fun.

Source of Madness Review

I have been torn when playing Source of Madness. It is built out with some very solid mechanics for the progression and combat, but the poor enemy variety and AI, coupled with overbearing visuals, ensures it is very hard to enjoy those mechanics.

Loot River Review

It feels like Loot River has difficulty in committing to the type of game it wants to be. For a roguelike, the runs feel too short, with too much blocked off. For a roguelite, the run-to-run progression is too lacking to be engaging.

Rogue Legacy 2 Review

Rogue Legacy 2 is a fun game that incentivises variety. The different character traits can come together and make truly unique runs that don’t feel repetitive.

Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion Review

Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion is a cutesy adventure game that has a great sense of humor and some simple gameplay mechanics.

Citizen Sleeper Review

Citizen Sleeper is a rather niche game. The gameplay itself is minimal, but there is a massive amount of storytelling to be taken in.

Inukari – Chase of Deception Review

The best things about Inukari - Chase of Deception are the visuals and the music. Each world comes with audio tailored to the environment, catchy enough that it never gets redundant. If only the rest of the game would’ve seen the same care

Dr. Oil Review

Dr. Oil misses the mark in regards the core concept of what makes a platformer fun - a feeling of accomplishment for overcoming a challenge through skill.

Spelunky 2 Review

Spelunky 2 is not a game for everyone. If you don’t like precision platformers or incredibly challenging games, then this isn’t going to be for you. But if you enjoy roguelikes or are after a game that challenges you, feeling incredibly rewarding when you pull off some crazy maneuvers, then I can’t recommend Spelunky 2 enough.

Red Ronin Review

For a good chunk of the time, Red Ronin is a fun game that provides a good challenge. I just wish that the mechanics introduced in the second half of the game could’ve either been implemented better, or left out altogether.


Latest Reviews

Rivenaar’s Grove Review

Rivenaar’s Grove is an extremely simple yet mildly enjoyable puzzler. It provides a way to kill an hour or two, and isn’t remotely taxing on the old grey matter.

Unwording Review

Unwording comes with a positive message and creative gameplay mechanics.

Sokomonster Review

With a low asking price and promise of easy Gamerscore, we’re sure Sokomonster will appeal to a few.

Songs of Silence Review

Songs of Silence is an excellent entry into the 4X and strategy genre, even more so when you consider that titles in this niche are relatively thin on the ground on consoles.

SokoCrab Review

SokoCrab is about as simple a Sokoban puzzler as you are going to get - and it’s equally as gifting as a Gamerscore provider.