Tobias Lewis

I'm 20 and Australian and I'm currently studying a Bachelor of Journalism. I also liked Dark Souls. Truth be told I actually started gaming on the PS2. However, I quickly converted to Xbox with the release of the 360. My all time favourite games are Final Fantasy X and the Witcher 3. And that's about all I'm going to say because I'm terrified of telling people personal things.

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Latest Articles:

Super Cloudbuilt Review

After the five hour story, I’ve just about got carpal tunnel from the sheer volume of frantic jumping and sliding I’ve done in Super Cloudbuilt. This new title from Coilworks and Double Eleven is a remake of the original ‘Cloudbuilt’, which dropped in 2014 exclusively for PC. Super Cloudbuilt brings all the pain, joy and frustration of the self-proclaimed ‘parkour platformer’ to console.

Dark Souls Winter’s Spite Issue #4 – Comic Review

We’ve seen it all in Winter’s Spite, or at least so it seems. The Dark Souls universe has put forward both an atmospheric and maudlin tale in this latest series. It shouldn’t come as a shock when I say that it’s been my favourite series by Titan Comics thus far. So it’s hurting me to see it conclude in this fourth and final issue.

Dark Souls Winter’s Spite Issue #3 – Comic Review

Winter’s Spite issue 3 marks a distinct change in the storytelling of not only this series, but the Dark Souls comics in general. And boy is it good.

Dark Souls 3: The Ringed City DLC Review

And that’s a wrap ladies and gentlemen. Or at least, so we’ve been told. The Ringed City is, apparently, the last instalment in the Souls series. So far, we’ve been simultaneously punished and rewarded by one of the greatest series’ in gaming. And one thing’s for certain, if Dark Souls is going out then it’s taking you with it, because this is perhaps the hardest that the game has ever been.

Happy Dungeons Review

First things first, with the literally infinite amount of literary possibilities available could we really not find a better title? I mean, Toylogic put sweat and tears (probably not blood) into making this game. Why sink such significant amounts of time and effort into creating something only to name it Happy Dungeons. It’s like calling your kid Ronald.

TXH Asks… Is Gears of War 4 more than just guns and cover?

While we’ve heard many good things about Gears 4, the majority of its accolades have centred on the excellence of its mechanics. Make no mistake, mechanics, multiplayer and Horde mode are important parts of the Gears of War games. But we’ve still got to ask, is there more to Gears 4 than gnashers and chest-high walls

Gears of War 4 Review

There comes a time when every great series faces a choice: to continue on imperfectly and tarnish its legacy, or to hang up its boots while it’s still on top. For Gears of War, this point was ‘Judgement’ – a game that, while still receiving generally positive reviews, paled in comparison to the spectacular ‘Gears of War 3’. With Judgement being what was ostensibly a step backwards, the release of another unfulfilling instalment threatened to wreck the series. With new characters and with the original developers, Epic Games, out of the picture, I would have predicted that Gears 4 would do just that. But God, am I happy to admit I was wrong.

NBA 2K17 Review

I like basketball; I might even love it. But I can’t play it, and I don’t pretend that I can. I can’t shoot, layup, jump or dunk; so, in that regard, the 2K NBA series has been my conciliation. So I’ve played a bit of 2K NBA over the years – maybe more than is healthy. But every time a new instalment releases, I realise that there are parts of the old game that I still haven’t played, and there are parts of the new one that I feel like I already have.

Dark Souls: Legends of the Flame #1 – Comic Review

Unlike the previous Dark Souls comics, this little anthology doesn’t let us get too chummy with a protagonist. Rather than introducing us to any distinct protagonist, this series initially introduces us to two characters, then uses these characters to prompt the telling of three separate stories, or legends – if you will – that occur in the Dark Souls Univer

Everything you need to know about Mafia III

Over the last few weeks, I’ve charged through every possible Mafia III video. And there’s not much about it that isn’t exciting: the soundtrack, the characters, the setting and the new take on crime storytelling. But then again, maybe you’re just excited about the 1960’s open world. And we are too. But Mafia III is shaping up to be a lot more than the typical open world crime spree. The game aims to totally immerse the player in the setting and the time period. And on top of this, it’s shaping up to tackle a number of provocative themes. So here’s what we’ve learnt about Mafia III, so you can know what you’re getting yourself in for.

The Witness Review

I’ve been thinking for a while about a funny, clever or analogous introduction to this review. But I’ve haven’t gotten anywhere because The Witness isn’t really like anything. On paper, it’s a first person, open world puzzle and exploration game from the creators of Braid; however, in reality, it’s so much more. The narrative draws on existential and psychological themes while gameplay explores the various effects of non-verbal communication. You’re not given any instructions or storyline to follow. You’re merely guided, by trial and error, through a number of puzzles (523 +135 +6, to be exact)(this will all make sense, don’t worry) scattered around the game’s luscious open world.

Titan Comics Dark Souls Issue #4 Review

And so folks, that’s a wrap. Issue 4 brings us to the conclusion of our first Dark Souls comic series. I wasn’t exactly sure, when George Mann and Alan Quah were planning to finish up this series; however, I will admit I was hoping for a longer run. We’ve spent the last three issues with Fira and Aldrich, and if you’re anything like me, you will have grown quite attached to these characters. It feels as if these comics have been a series of high notes. And, I suppose, if we have to say goodbye, then this is the time to do it because Issue 4 is the highest note yet.

Dark Souls #3 – Comic Review

So, the new Dark Souls comic has released. It’s been a while between drinks, I know, but let’s not delay any further because things are starting to get interesting in the series.

Jotun: Valhalla Edition Review

The Vikings had a tradition: one could only enter Valhalla if they experienced an honourable death. Upon receiving such a death, the Viking would ascend to the heavens to join their Gods in the halls of Valhalla. Of course, it’s much more complicated than this. But it is thought that this belief was the basis of the Vikings’ ferocity. It’s also the basis for Thunder Lotus Games’ debut release Jotun.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Review

Deus Ex Human Revolution holds a special spot in my (gaming) memories. So, I’m sure you can imagine my joy when August 23rd came about. Now I want you to imagine my horror when Mankind Divided fell drastically short.

Deus Ex: Children’s Crusade Collection Review

Throughout the course of this year, Titan Comics released Deus Ex: Children’s Crusade. The five-part episodic series followed the catastrophic finale of Human Revolution and focused specifically on the aftermath of the Aug Incident. The series explored the strained relationships between humans and augs, and at the same time rallied excitement for the series’ newest release Mankind Divided.

DOOM Unto The Evil DLC Review

I said, in my review of Doom, that the multiplayer was an addictive take on a familiar formula. And though it was totally playable, it wasn’t Doom’s best feature. And a number of other reviewers agreed. However, since I published that review, I’ve been playing Doom’s multiplayer more than I’ve ever played a multiplayer mode before. And I’ve grown to suspect that the aforementioned problems stemmed from the design of the vanilla maps – which left a lot to be desired. The pacing and combat of the multiplayer modes featured the same sort of frantic carnage that we saw in the campaign. However, of the original maps, only one or two were decent – and all were far from good. Unto the Evil attempts to remedy this problem by supplying players with three new maps, two new weapons, a new playable demon and more hack-modules, dances and emotes than one would ever need – let alone want.

Ubisoft Motion Pictures announce the development of ‘The Division’ film

Ubisoft Motion Pictures announced today that they will be developing a film based upon Tom Clancy’s The Division.

The Solus Project Review

In the past month, between The Solus Project and the new Star Trek film, I’ve had a decent taste of what it’s like to be marooned in space. And it’s safe to say that, due to this recent exposure, any desire I had for space travel has been properly dismissed. While Star Trek Beyond gave us a heroic, and surprisingly comedic, tale of a crew overcoming immense adversity, it still touched on the less desirable aspects of space travel. However, The Solus Project acknowledged these aspects and amplified them ten-fold. In wild and uncharted terrain of Gliese-6143-C, you’ll face starvation, hypothermia, dehydration and a myriad of other of other life-threatening ailments that rarely cross the minds of us privileged first world folk. Suffice to say: it’s terrifying.


Latest Reviews

Railroads Online Review

Railroads Online is an unapologetically faithful train sim which, depending on your interest in the era, very much falls into the “marmite” category.

Codename: Ocean Keeper Review

It isn’t often that we see a game try something new, but the hook found in Codename: Ocean Keeper is pretty strong indeed. 

Mexico, 1921: A Deep Slumber Review

Mexico, 1921: A Deep Slumber has some minor technical rough edges, but these are easily overshadowed by the engaging narrative, unique gameplay mechanics, and immersive atmosphere.

The Legend of Cyber Cowboy Review

The Legend of Cyber Cowboy is very much the definition of “Okay”.

Windborn: Journey to the South Review

You’ll be glad when Windborn: Journey to the South is over, fully understanding why EpiXR have decided to separate this from the otherwise decent Aery series.