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Create the tank of your dreams in Aquarium Designer on Xbox


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Aquarium Designer
Aquarium Designer releases on Xbox

We think there’s probably a stage in everyone’s life when they consider a bit of fishkeeping. At least, that’s what happened to us, spending years building the tanks of our dreams. Now we can do it all over again in Aquarium Designer on Xbox. 

A fishy home of your dreams

Available today as the latest from Sigur Studio, RockGame and Games Operators is Aquarium Designer. It’s on the Xbox Store and it’s playable across both Xbox One or Xbox Series X|S consoles. Fully optimised for the latter it promises to give players all the tools they would ever need to design and craft the most stunning of fishtanks. 

A variety of types, sizes and designs are all present in Aquarium Designer, as you take the glass homes and fill them with products of your imagination. Fish are obviously front and centre, with the likes of angelfish, bettas and goldfish fighting for space.

But from there you’ll also have to deal with things to keep those fish happy – filters, managing of water conditions, the finest air pumps… 

Chuck in some gravel, some decorations and more and you’ll find yourself building some classy aquariums. And what’s more, there are two game modes included here too – a Casual play or that of Realistic. 

Buy now!

Aquarium Designer is on the Xbox Store, playable on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S for just £10.74. If you have any inkling for a fishkeeping life, then this should well be a no-brainer. 

But of course, if this doesn’t float, then maybe consider some of the other aquarium based games available on Xbox. Megaquarium is an old favourite for us, whilst Aquarium Land and Let’s Build a Zoo: Aquarium Odyssey are also worth a consideration. 

Aquarium Designer Description

Aquarium Designer gives you an opportunity to create the aquarium of your dreams! Become a professional whose job is to design it, build it, and fill it with the various underwater wildlife! All types, all sizes – your creativity is your only limit!

Have you ever dreamed about your own aquarium? Do you already have one, but it’s not enough? Or maybe you want to test yourself before having the real fish tank? Aquarium Designer is a game for you! In Aquarium Designer you can design and create realistic fish tanks of various scales – from small fish tanks to large aquariums. Fill them with all the kinds of different aquatic species – angelfish, bettas, goldfish, and many, many more! Aquarium Designer creates an opportunity to make an ideal aquarium and behold your creation!

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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