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Loot Gaming – July 2017 Unboxed


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From pole position in a racer, to the top of the scoring charts on FIFA, I’m at the top of my game and there’s no better way to unwind after beating the masses than to admire my loot. There’s a new Loot Gaming crate that’s just arrived, this time with a ‘Champion’ theme going on – it’s almost like it was put together especially for me. Will its contents be fit for a champion, or will I end up looking like a chump when I show the items off?

First up out of the crate is the now standard t-shirt inclusion. Based on the game created by the brilliant Tim Schafer, Brütal Legend, it displays the world’s greatest roadie and demon destroyer, Eddie Riggs. He’s a champion in everything he does and you could be too when wearing this black tee which has an incredibly psychedelically coloured design on it, showing off Eddie in all his rocking glory with a guitar in one hand and a literal axe in the other. It stands out, that’s for sure.

I’m a sucker for a collectible, so when I saw the rather large League of Legends box inside the crate, I wondered what could be inside. For me it was the ugly looking beast Kog’Maw in figure form – they certainly captured his ugliest features well – but it could’ve been any of 15 different characters, with the likes of Zed, Vi and Gragas, all a part of the collection. What’s disappointing however is the size of the figure, standing at just a few inches tall, which is nothing in comparison to how big the packaging actually is. It’s cool nonetheless.

Next there’s a lethal weapon to get your hands on, which is best used to send a message to anyone who dares mess with you in the Wasteland. I am of course referring to the Fallout 4 item; a replica of the AER9, which is a common model of the Laser Rifle. It’s not life-size, in fact it’s only about five or six inches in length and rests on a little stand. The detailing on the rifle is pretty impressive it has to be said.

Last out of the crate is a belt buckle to rival all others, bearing the logo of the Battletoads and the face of Rash for all to see! Battletoads is a game developed by Rare in the early 90’s for the NES and is often remembered for being a ridiculously difficult platform beat-em-up to conquer.  I cannot wear the buckle proudly, having never completed the game myself, but anyone who has done is a true champion indeed.

This is the part where I’d mention the Loot Pin, but in the ‘Champion’ crate is one of four Fallout 4 bottle caps instead. They look really awesome and despite its simplistic design, the Nuka Cola one I received is my favourite of the lot. The crate as a whole though does disappoint slightly in terms of the collectables sizing, but the tee is darn sweet and the actually item designs are all on-point.

So that’s it for another month, with a whole load of ‘Booty’ coming your way next time; featuring Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, Uncharted 4, Sea of Thieves and Crash Bandicoot!

Have you already signed up to a Loot Gaming subscription, and if so, were you happy with everything included in ‘Champion’? If you still haven’t taken the plunge, what will entice you to finally get involved and get a share of the ‘Booty’ in the next instalment of the subscription service? Let us know in the comments, or on social media!

James Birks
James Birks
Been gaming casually since the SNES as a youngster but found my true passion for games on the Playstation 1 (the forbidden word ooo). My addiction grew to its pinnacle with the purchase of an Xbox 360 & Xbox Live Service. A recovering GS hunter that will still play literally any game.
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