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Save the world from a zombie apocalypse – AGAIN – in Mayhem in Single Valley


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Thought you’d saved the world from every zombie apocalypse? Think again, for today it’s all about the Mayhem in Single Valley. 

Available to purchase and download today on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch, as console players get to join their PC cousins, is Mayhem in Single Valley; a puzzle-fuelled affair that comes about via the Fluxscopic and tinyBuild teams. 

A game in which you’ll be looking to save the world – again – Mayhem in Single Valley centres the action on Jack; a humble guy who has just been accepted into the art school of his dreams, all as his hometown gets invaded. See, an RTC sees hazardous chemicals spilt into the water system, turning those living in the town into radioactive zombies. Jack will have to stop the spread to the wider world. 

What this means is that in Mayhem in Single Valley you’ll be left trying to contain the infection, working your way through the town and city, hunting for clues and locating the equipment needed to fight back against the newly turned. It’s not just the human population that has been hit though and throughout Mayhem in Single Valley, you’ll find Jack going up against sinister squirrels, ferocious felines, brutal bears, and other mutated monstrosities.

Only by utilising a variety of tactics will you be able to navigate through the mindless masses, like throwing carrots to distract brain-dead bunnies or shooting nuts and bolts from slingshots to stun enemies in their tracks. And all this will play out via 2D characters set in a 3D world. 8-bit sounds will help aid the immersion. 

“We wanted to recreate the old-school gaming aesthetic and modernize it for today’s indie scene, incorporating some of our favorite memories from the era.” said Brian Cullen, Founder at Fluxcopic. “After receiving praise from PC players, we’re excited to be expanding onto consoles and spread our reach to a bigger audience.”

Mayhem in Single Valley is already available on PC, through the likes of Steam, the Xbox Store, Epic and GOG, but today it’ll roll to the wider console lands too – Xbox, PlayStation and Switch. 

Stay tuned for our full review if you want to know more. The latest trailer may well help for now. 

Game Description:

In this fast-paced, puzzle-loaded action adventure, you’ll juggle housework, zombie hordes, family dinners and radioactive squirrels! Oh, and you have to prevent the end of the world while keeping everyone from finding out it was all your fault.

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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