Edgar Wulf

Classified as a young snob for the way he prepares coffee, Edgar still resorts to a V60 dripper for preparing his favourite morning beverage. High on caffeine, Edgar spends his leisure time playing visual novels, but give him the chance and he'll talk your ears off about Resident Evil and Devil May Cry. He refuses to play mobile games and doesn't understand the appeal of Pokemon.

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Looking Back to 2010 and the King of DLC – Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare

I think it's safe to say that Red Dead Redemption impressed everyone when it released back in 2010. It was nominated for numerous accolades, and won many as well - including Game of the Year. Nowadays, it's widely regarded as one of the best games of all time. But its zombie-infested follow-up Undead Nightmare deserves as much if not more praise for being one of the best DLCs ever made. It expanded a narrative already rich in lore and added a ton of new content.

Looking Back to 2000 and the Launch of the Iconic PlayStation 2

We're at the dawn of next-gen consoles launching in just a few weeks. Whether or not Series X|S and PlayStation 5 surpass these numbers remains in limbo. But for now, we're travelling back, way back to October 2000, to take a look at the launch of the PlayStation 2 in the West, its launch lineup and the impact it left on the video game industry.

Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part One Rips and Tears its Way Onto Xbox One, PS4, PC and Stadia

With Microsoft's pending acquisition of Bethesda Softworks, the future of the latter's IPs remains in limbo. Will new entries to games like Doom, Fallout and The Elder Scrolls come out exclusively on the Series X|S and PC? Only time will tell, but for now, it seems rather likely. In the meantime, players on Xbox One, PS4, PC and Stadia can purchase and download The Ancient Gods - Part One of the highly-anticipated DLC for Doom Eternal.

Rule the Rose With the Release of Remothered: Broken Porcelain on Xbox One, PS4, Switch and PC

Halloween is fast approaching and for us horror fans that means lots of candy and rewatching classic horror movies like Evil Dead and From Dusk Till Dawn. The month of October also brings an array of new horror games, one of them being a sequel to 2017's Remothered: Tormented Fathers. Today, Remothered: Broken Porcelain arrives just in time for Halloween and is now available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Switch and PC.

Metro Exodus Review

It took six years of anticipation since the release of Metro: Last Light for the 7th generation of consoles. Based on the third and final book in the trilogy, Metro Exodus continues the story of the Spartan Order after the bloody battle at D6 in the previous game. But this time, it takes players way away from the familiar underground tunnels and opens up multiple outdoor locations in post-apocalyptic Russia to explore.

World Enduro Rally Review

Touting awesome graphics, very realistic physics and amazing worldwide locations, World Enduro Rally seems to offer a lot of bang for your buck. And for the record, those are all quotations from the official Xbox store page. But the bang itself ends up being a sad fart and your buck might be better spent elsewhere.

Salt and Sanctuary Review

Created by only two people from Ska Studios, Salt and Sanctuary is a challenging, 2D action role-playing game heavily inspired by Dark Souls. After nearly three full years on the market, this punishingly difficult title finally arrives on Xbox One and - spoilers - it was well worth the wait.

Onimusha: Warlords Review

What do you get when you merge Capcom with Sengoku era Japan? As it turns out, an action-oriented Resident Evil game featuring samurai and demons, instead of reanimated corpses. That's the best way I can possibly describe Onimusha: Warlords, a remastered version of the original title from 2001.

Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition Review

Originally released as an Xbox 360 exclusive title way back in 2008 and ported to the PlayStation 3 a year later, Tales of Vesperia is a traditional JRPG by Bandai Namco. If you're familiar with other games in the genre by the publisher, like .hack and Ni No Kuni, then you probably already know what to expect. Which is often nothing less than awesome.

Below Review

It has been a while since we first witnessed Below, at E3 2013. At the time, it was touted as a brutally difficult action adventure with roguelike elements. This premise got many players excited, including me, but who could've thought that Below would then be stuck in development for years. Fast forward half a decade later and Below has finally arrived on the Xbox storefront. While it seems to have delivered on most of its gameplay selling points, whether or not the world is worth exploring, is an entirely different question.

Subnautica Review

While many modern titles conveniently fall into either big-budget or indie categories, Subnautica takes the best of both worlds. It merges beautiful, highly detailed aesthetics and an impressively sized world, along with the charm and mechanics of an indie game. Players on PC have been enjoying this game for nearly a whole year, and now, it has finally arrived on consoles. Let's examine this beauty.

Darksiders 3 Review

During my time with Darksiders 3, I couldn't help but constantly compare it to the Dark Souls games. Both now share a lot more beyond the mere word "Dark" in their titles. From challenging combat, an interconnected world and collection of souls, the third entry seems to have drawn an ample amount of inspiration from the Souls series. Even certain boss battles summon a sense of deja vu, but with all these similarities, does Darksiders 3 stand on its own and, more importantly, serve as a worthy sequel to its predecessors?

I Am The Hero Review

I love Beat 'em ups. River City Ransom, Scott Pilgrim, Streets of Rage; you name it, I've probably played it. Or, at the very least, know enough to talk about one. This genre provides an enjoyable experience for one or multiple players, while also being challenging, yet not too complex in terms of mechanics. So, now you can imagine my excitement at the opportunity to cover an upcoming title in one of my favourite genres. I Am the Hero is a 2D pixel-art brawler featuring a cool-looking character and a killer soundtrack.

Chasm Review

There's no denying it - the genre of 2D adventure games has become quite overcrowded in recent years; especially after the widespread success of Shovel Knight. Each year seems to be filled to the brim with new entries, and even dormant titles like Mega Man and Metroid have received long-overdue continuations. Developed by Discord Games following a successful Kickstarter campaign, Chasm is the newest addition to the addictive Metroidvania style games.

MechaNika Review

MechaNika is a short, yet memorable puzzle adventure game.

Skyhill Review

Skyhill is a 2D roguelike game, with a heavy emphasis on exploration. In the endless sea of similar titles though, what makes this one stand out?

Mark of the Ninja: Remastered Review

Mark of the Ninja: Remastered is a new and improved version of the original game released in 2012 for the Xbox Live Arcade and PC. This edition features numerous visual enhancements, remastered audio, and previously released DLC, as well as two different upgrade options for the owners of the original.

10 Horror Games to Play During Halloween 2018

It's that time of the year once again; it's time to play some nerve-tingling horror games. Actually, it's always a good time to play horror games, but now there's a valid reason to scream off the top of your lungs, keep all of the lights in the house on, and check under the bed before sleep. To celebrate the upcoming festivities, this Halloween list compiles 10 horror games from multiple generations and gaming platforms. Enjoy!

The Pros and Cons of Digital Distribution

Allow me to begin by saying this - I’m in no way an enthusiast of digital media. I used to be the guy who passionately advocated the superiority of physical games while having Olivia Newton John’s hit song playing in the background. Like many, I grew up at a time when neatly boxed games with colorful artworks and thick manuals were the only option. Receiving a highly desired game for Christmas, unwrapping it and inhaling that factory-fresh smell, is probably something only a handful of people outside of the hobby would not find disturbing.


Latest Reviews

Lonely Mountains: Snow Riders Review 

More of the same, but brilliantly different, is probably the best way of summing up Lonely Mountains: Snow Riders.

Dead Dragons Review

Dead Dragons - it is just too hard and rewards with so little that it feels like banging your head against a brick wall.

Mimi the Cat: Meow Together Review

Mimi the Cat: Meow Together puts its own spin on Sokoban and does an alright job of delivering a bit of a challenge.

Boti: Byteland Overclocked Review

Despite a few flaws, it’s safe to say Boti: Byteland Overclocked will provide gamers young and old a chance to experience whimsical 3D platforming goodness so long unseen in the industry, even if it’s not the genre defining title that so scarcely appears.

Dragon Takers Review

Dragon Takers is quite a large game, with a lot of things to do, as with all good RPGs.