HomeTheXboxHub News...A Week In The Hub: 13th April-19th April 2014

A Week In The Hub: 13th April-19th April 2014


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It’s been a rather quiet four day week for many, but the Xbox world never stops rolling and so we’ve picked out the very best news and review articles that you will need to have seen from the last seven days.

We have to start with our reviews. We didn’t bring you just the one this week, nor two, but instead three of our finest reviews made their way to TheXboxHub’s pages.

The start of the week saw James bring us his thoughts on Strike Suit Zero. The inaugural ID@XBOX title popped up on Xbox One for £15.99 but ultimately turned out to be nothing more than a rather average space shooter. With a shortish campaign and a price tag that doesn’t warrant, SSZ Director’s Cut is something that you may wish to wait a little while before picking up.

Midweek saw our The Wolf Among Us Episode 3 review go live. We’ve followed the story of Bigby Wolf and his trials and tribulations with the other characters in Fabletown since the beginning and whilst this latest episode doesn’t reach the heights of those previous chapters it’s still a decent enough mid story filler that leaves many a question open as Bigby rolls over into Episode 4.



And then our last review of this week finally went live over the weekend with our thoughts on Trials Fusion. Red Lynx have gathered a huge fan base over the years with their previous Trials titles and this latest game looks to be doing no different as it’s mix of frustration and ‘just one more go’ attitude makes its way over to both Xbox 360 and Xbox One. But you’ll only know if it’s worth a purchase by reading our review. Will Xbox One owners be hit with the Trials bug again or will the sales of controllers suddenly go through the roof?

Away from our reviews and the most exciting news stories of the week were most definitely big ones. The Xbox Games With Gold promotional scheme gives all Xbox Live Gold members two free games per month, and with April that is no different. We’ve already seen Hitman Absolution given away free in the first part of the month but now, as we move into the second section it’s time to grab hold of a new game. Deadlight is a rather fine XBLA survival platformer following the journey or Randall Wayne, a man searching for his family during the aftermath of an event that has wiped out life on earth. Usually £11.99, Deadlight will be free until the end of the month and so if you’re an Xbox 360 gamer then you’ll need to make sure you download it at some point. Now would be preferable!

deadlight pic 1

If however you’re an Xbox One owner then you’ll be pleased to see that the April system update has now rolled out bringing numerous features and update benefits to the next generation, the main one being that friend notifications are now back and popping up whenever your friends come online. It’s a feature that many of us have missed since it was a major feature of the 360 and so it’s good to see this option back in town. There have also been numerous other improvements and you can read about these in more detail just here.

And finally for this week I’d like to point you in the direction of the new Watch Dogs Ebook, //n/ Dark Clouds. Written by esteemed pioneer of the cyberpunk movement, John Shirley, //n/ Dark Clouds will be a direct sequel to the events of the game and aims to recreate the atmosphere of the next big Xbox One title when it releases alongside the game on May 27th. If you want to delve deeper into the Watch Dogs world then this should surely be a must buy.



As usual, thanks go out to everyone we’ve had conversations with over the last week, whether that be on Live, via our Twitch streams or on our busy social media feeds. Catch you soon!

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.


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