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Alter the past, save the future – Eternal Threads finally releases on Xbox, PlayStation and Switch


Eternal Threads Key Art
Eternal Threads is now on console

Over the last couple of years, Eternal Threads has picked up some decent traction on Steam. Whilst also promised for console, we’ve been sat, twiddling our thumbs. That is until now – Eternal Threads is available on Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo Switch. 

A single player, narrative-driven, first person puzzler in which time manipulation, choice and consequence come to the fore, Eternal Threads is a game we’ve been holding out for. And now comes the time to play. 

Eternal Threads – finally on console

It’s priced at £15.99 on the Xbox Store, playable on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S, fully optimised for the latter if you’re on current-gen machines. It places you in the shoes of an operative looking to sort out some time corruption, heading off to the North of England as you go. It’s here where a house fire has killed the occupants – and so you are left to manipulate things to ensure they all survive. 

With free reign over the week prior to the fire, in Eternal Threads you’ll get to look over the timeline, changing things up as you see fit, switching things around, moving objects. Every thing you change will affect the story, rewriting history in the process. Will you be able to save all six housemates? That’s the ultimate goal. 

Key features

  • Choose how you want to follow the game’s story – The complete narrative follows the six main characters through multiple decisions across multiple timelines and you can experience these in any way you choose. You can concentrate on just one particular character’s storyline at a time, following their choices across the timelines and then go back to the start and follow another character. You can approach the story like a forensic detective, observe the final outcomes of the story and then work backwards along the timeline – essentially observing the effects and then determining their cause. Or you can just watch things in chronological order, experiencing the timeline unfold as you observe and change the decisions that the characters face as the week progresses.
  • Watch and change things as many times as you like – Can’t remember exactly what happened in an event? Changed a decision and you’re not sure you like the consequences? That’s fine. Just pop back along the timeline and watch and change whatever you like, whenever you like, as many times as you like.
  • Change the past to affect the future – Setting up temporary base in the house mere hours after the fire, provides a unique perspective on events. As you look back through the timeline, past events play out in front of you in ghostly form, with the smoke and fire damaged house a constant reminder of what is to come. In addition, as you manipulate the past, the environment can be reset around you to match the changes taking place. Some new objects will appear, others will move around the house and the contents of rooms can change substantially as you change the past.

Buy now!

Should you have been waiting as long as us to play Eternal Threads, then you’ll no doubt be heading to the Xbox Store as we type. Pay it a visit, offer up the £15.99 asking price and you could be playing on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S in no time. 

Alternatively, you should now also be seeing Eternal Threads on PlayStation and Nintendo Switch. Of course, it’s on PC through Steam too. 

Stay tuned for our review thoughts. 

Eternal Threads Description

Eternal Threads is a single-player, first-person story-driven puzzle game of time manipulation, choice and consequence.

As an operative tasked with fixing corruption in the timestream, you have been sent to the North of England in May 2015, where six people died in a house fire. Prohibited from simply stopping the fire, you must instead manipulate the choices made by the housemates in the week leading up to it so that they all survive the event.

From the outset, you have free and complete reign to explore the seven day timeline before the fire. You can watch and alter the significant events from the entire week as many times as you like and in whatever order you wish. Some decisions will have only minor effects on the timeline, moving objects around the house or revealing deeper stories and secrets. Major changes however, rewrite the timeline by changing existing events, adding new events and even replacing other events entirely.

You must traverse up and down this timeline, changing decisions at different moments throughout the week so that their effects interact and combine together to save all six housemates.

However, it is not just the housemates who have choices. Each of them can be saved from the fire in multiple ways, with each outcome having a profound effect on their lives in the future. Will you just search for the quickest and easiest solution, or can you find the best possible outcome for everyone?

Ultimately, everything is about choices and consequences.

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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