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Are the free Xbox Games With Gold titles for April 2018 any good?


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So far, 2018 has proven to be a bit of hit when it comes to the games offered via the Xbox Games With Gold program, with some cracking titles such as Superhot, Shadow Warrior, and Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: India all bringing incredible adventures to Xbox Live Gold members for no extra cost at all.

With April upon us, it’s time to look at the next batch of free Xbox One and Xbox 360 Games With Gold titles – can April prove better still or are things about to go downhill? Here are our thoughts on the free Xbox One and Xbox 360 games for April 2018

The Witness – Xbox One – April 1st – 30th 2018 – Immediate Download

If puzzlers are your jam, then The Witness is your game. With a large open-world to explore and some of the finest puzzles gaming has ever seen, The Witness is certainly a fantastic way to start the month.

From the simplest challenges to brain teasers that will have your head ready to explode, this is a game in which the old school tactic of pen and paper will become a necessity as you look to piece together the next part of the puzzle.

Unlike many other puzzlers, The Witness isn’t a game you’ll be done and dusted with in just a few short hours. Instead you’ll find yourself slogging away for hours on end as you try to make every connection between the countless puzzles across the island. Beautiful visuals and an encapsulating soundtrack to soothe yours ears along the way ensure this is one game you’d be crazy to miss.

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate – Xbox One – April 16th – May 15th 2018Immediate Download

Whether you’re a keen fan of the series, you’ve only played a few of the many titles, or you’ve yet to dive into a single Assassin’s Creed title, there’s no denying this is a big one. Whilst we may not have seen too more arrivals in the series since the arrival of Syndicate, there’s still countless reasons you’d want to head into this fantastic adventure.

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate puts players in the shoes of twins Jacob and Evie Frye as you embark on a troublesome quest through the Victorian streets of London in another story of the Assassin’s heritage – and by god, it’s fantastic.

With stealth and combat both proving fluid and highly satisfying, parkour style chases providing some rather spectacular moments throughout and a unique setting and timeline to enjoy, Syndicate is a game that will ensure you’ll find all the finest things we’ve come to love about Assassin’s Creed, all one epic adventure. Not to mention the game is a purely single player experience, meaning unlike it’s predecessor, you’ll have no-one to stop you once you start a crime ridden run through the streets with your revolver, cane-sword and brass knuckles by your side.

Cars 2 – Xbox 360 – April 1st – April 15th 2018Worth a look

Games based are movies are rarely worth shouting about. Games based on movies that are designed to be enjoyed by children… well, they are usually the worst. Fortunately, Cars 2 wasn’t quite in that bracket and instead what we saw was a somewhat surprising experience.

The fact online play was missing was certainly a faux pas for the developers Avalanche Software but for what we did have, Cars 2 provided both a stable and enjoyable experience. With some cracking tracks and a somewhat decent Career Mode, as well as 25 of the beloved characters, Cars 2 brought a game that was great for both fans of the movie and those of Mario Kart-like racing.

It may have been saddening to see the free roam option taken away and online play missing, but it was still worth a play for racing fans. April is already a busy month with new releases, so chances are you’ll probably have other games on your mind, but should you find a few hours spare, then Cars 2 is definitely worth a look.

Dead Space 2 – Xbox 360 – 16th – April 30th 2018Immediate Download

Stepping into Isaac Clarke’s boots and fighting off the onslaught of Necromorphs is possibly one of the greatest things we’ve been able to do in a game. From the first game to the last, Dead Space has proven to be one of the finest horror series available, so to hear that we can grab a download of Isaac’s second adventure absolutely free is music to our ears.

The gameplay in Dead Space 2 is often compared to that of horror cult classic Resident Evil 4, just with Dead Space 2 pitting you into the far reaches of Space with a Plasma Cutter to save you from being teared limb from limb by some of the most horrific creatures we’ve ever seen. For many Dead Space 2 has often been touted as the pinnacle of the series and as a fan, I’d have to agree. With a fantastic story and plenty of tension and fear spread throughout, Dead Space 2 is the perfect game for fans of horror.

If you find excitement in being chased down corridors by unthinkable monstrosities, running low on ammo and finding yourself face to face with a room full of mutations, generally enjoying the chance of being frightened out of your skin with every step, then Dead Space 2 is a game you should be looking to get involved in immediately. Especially after Dead Space 1 was free via GWG too. 

So, there we have it, our thoughts on this months free Xbox Games With Gold and with this month bringing a little something for everyone, we may well be about to enjoy the best month of 2018 yet. Which of the free Xbox One and Xbox 360 games are you looking forward too most? Let us know in the comments below or via our usual social channels.

Carlos Santuana (Sly Boogie1993)
Carlos Santuana (Sly Boogie1993)
After 20 years of playing every game I can get my hands on, I can now be found selling my soul for anything Resident Evil, Gears of War, or Gamerscore related... all of which will be mastered after a good cuppa!
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