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HomePre-Order and Pre-DownloadBioshock: The Collection now available for pre-order and pre-download...

Bioshock: The Collection now available for pre-order and pre-download on Xbox One


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Fancy dropping back into the beautiful cities of Rapture and Columbia? Bioshock: The Collection is coming and right now its up for digital pre-order and pre-download on Xbox One.

Priced at £44.99, The Collection of all three Bioshock titles (and a whole ton of content)is due out on the 16th September. If you fancy being one of the first in the world to be playing the game though, then we advise you to take out the digital pre-order right now from the Xbox One Games Store, for with it comes the pre-download that could see you playing it at just a minute past its release date.

If you’re a long time fan, or just getting ready to experience Bioshock for the very first time, then you really shouldn’t be missing out on The Collection when it arrives on Xbox One. It’s going to be absolutely awesome.

Game Description:

Return to the cities of Rapture and Columbia and experience the award-winning BioShock franchise like never before, beautifully remastered in 1080p. BioShock: The Collection contains all single-player content from BioShock, BioShock 2, and BioShock Infinite, all single-player add-on content, the “Columbia’s Finest” pack, and Director’s Commentary: Imagining BioShock, featuring Ken Levine and Shawn Robertson. BioShock BioShock is a shooter unlike any you’ve ever played, loaded with weapons and tactics never seen. You’ll have a complete arsenal at your disposal from simple revolvers to grenade launchers and chemical throwers, but you’ll also be forced to genetically modify your DNA to create an even more deadly weapon: you. • Museum of Orphaned Concepts • Challenge Rooms BioShock 2 Set approximately 10 years after the events of the original BioShock, the halls of Rapture once again echo with sins of the past. Along the Atlantic coastline, a monster has been snatching little girls and bringing them back to the undersea city of Rapture. Players step into the boots of the most iconic denizen of Rapture, the Big Daddy, as they travel through the decrepit and beautiful fallen city, chasing an unseen foe in search of answers and their own survival. • Minerva’s Den • Protector Trials BioShock Infinite Bring us the girl, wipe away the debt. The year is 1912. Deep in debt, Booker DeWitt has only one opportunity for a clean slate: rescue Elizabeth, a mysterious girl imprisoned since childhood in the flying city of Columbia. • Clash in the Clouds • Burial at Sea 1&2 • Columbia’s Finest Pack

Neil Watton
Neil Watton
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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