HomeTheXboxHub News...Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare now available to pre-order...

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare now available to pre-order and pre-download on Xbox One


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It’s only just been confirmed, but already you can pre-order and pre-download Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare on Xbox One. What you waiting for?

Available now are three different packages. All will come with the full game encased, but after that, you’ll need to make a few decisions. Do you go for the standard game, the Digital Legacy Edition complete with the Modern Warfare Remaster or the Digital Deluxe version which includes all that plus the usual Season Pass? We guess it’ll all depend on how overflowing your wallet is because they don’t come cheap.

Standard pre-order: £54.99

Digital Legacy Edition pre-order: £79.99

Digital Deluxe Edition pre-order: £94.99

Game Description:

PRE-PURCHASE AND GET 1,000 CALL OF DUTY® POINTS IN CALL OF DUTY®: BLACK OPS III. These Call of Duty Points can be unlocked in Black Ops III by searching for “Infinite Warfare” on the Xbox Store and downloading the “Call of Duty®: Infinite Warfare CP Incentive”. Call of Duty®: Infinite Warfare delivers three unique game modes: Campaign, Multiplayer, and Zombies. Campaign is a return to the gritty, military roots of the franchise, while boldly looking ahead, delivering a rich and engaging narrative that is unlike anything to date in a Call of Duty game. The player will embark on a classically-styled story about grand scale warfare, set in a future where human conflict has spread throughout our solar system. Multiplayer combines popular mechanics such as the chained-based movement system, with a load of gameplay innovations to deliver one of the deepest and most engaging online experiences in gaming. The new Zombies mode will thrill co-op players with an original, distinctive approach and an uproarious narrative sure to excite fans. The title introduces stunning, multi-planetary environments, new weaponry, and all-new player abilities.

As always with the Xbox One’s pre-order and pre-download feature, you’ll be able to get your game in place and ready to roll in time for 4th November when the game releases.

Don’t delay though – you’ll only regret it later!

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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