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Call of Duty killer? Easy Red 2 and multiple expansions are now available on Xbox


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Easy Red 2 is a Call of Duty competitor on Xbox

It’s time to put down Call of Duty and forget about Battlefield (what do you mean, you’ve already forgotten about it!?) for there’s a new World War 2 shooter in town. The intensity and shooting simulation of Easy Red 2 is now available on Xbox. It comes with a number of expansions too. 

From Marco Amadei, self-developed, self-published, Easy Red 2 is a super intense World War 2 shooter on Xbox. Looking to go up against the big guns – quite literally – this is a game that lets us get involved in both the European and Pacific fronts of the war. Whether you fight your way through Italy, Kos, the Japanese controlled isle of Kwajalein or more, historical accuracy is going to be at the fore. 

An alternative to CoD?

It’s certainly much cheaper than the competition too. There may not be any AAA budgetry going on here, but there’s none of the price points that is associated with either. A mere £7.49 feels crazy cheap for a shooter that provides so much, but that’s the exact price Easy Red 2 is sitting with on the Xbox Store. From there, it’s playable on both Xbox One or Xbox Series X|S, fully optimised for the latter, running Smart Delivery too. 

Furthermore, Easy Red 2 has console keyboard and mouse support too. You know what that means? Yep, we get to drag out the Razer Turret for Xbox. We love that thing but don’t get enough opportunities to use it. 

But standard controller or keyboard and mouse aside, however you play Easy Red 2, you’ll find a ton and features. It’s probably best that we leave you with the bullet points provided by the dev. Get your eyes on this little lot…

Key features

  • Fronts of War: In Easy Red 2, you will be taken to both the European and Pacific fronts of the war. On the European front, you will be taken to the shores of Anzio, Italy- working your way towards the bombed peaks of Monte Cassino. You will also be taken to Kos- the Greek island invaded by the Germans in 1943. In the Pacific, you will go to Kwajalein- the Japanese-occupied island invaded by the United States Marine Corps in 1944.
  • Simulation and Immersivity: That’s what we want for Easy Red 2. We want the player to feel a hint of the real emotions, thoughts, and sense of adrenaline rush of the battlefield. Around the player will be a fury of explosions, gunfire, devastation, orders, and yells from those around them. The player will be rewarded not for his kills obtained, but for his strategic prowess and survival skills on the field.
  • Large battles and historical locations: All campaigns take place in large open-world maps that are reproductions of the real locations of historical battles, with the plans and layout of the battles faithful to events that have historically occurred.
  • Squad-based Gameplay: No one fights alone. A good, hard-earned victory requires a good hardened team- so jump in as the squad leader, the medic, or maybe the radioman. You’ll always have a job to do within your squad. •In our levels, we particularly focused on creating dynamically occurring sub-objectives that differ from the main mission objectives. For example, while the main objective of the greater team may be to conquer a specific area, a sub-objective could be requesting a tank to clear its way from an anti-tank gun that has been sighted, or getting your squad to take out that anti-tank gun yourself. This allows the gameplay to play out slightly differently each time depending on how everything plays out.
  • Vehicles: •War machines changed warfare forever, and the second world war proved that unequivocally. Prepare to jump into a Panzer 4, M4 Sherman, M3 Lee, or any other tank that dominated the real battles fought in the game. •We decided to let the player have full control of the crew within their vehicles; they will be able to drive and shoot tanks, as long as there are crewmen to operate each armament. Also, battles don’t stop when a tank is disabled- lots of tank crews in World War 2 had time to escape from the scuttled tanks and survive the battles, and so do they in Easy Red 2. If you lose your tank in a fight, you’ll need to bring your crew (or what’s left of your crew) back to your lines safely on foot.
  • Multiplayer: •Play online in both PvP and PvE. •Create a match whenever you want and on any map you want!
  • Map & Mission Editor: •The Map Editor makes it possible to create custom maps using brush tools to raise/lower the terrain, paint the textures, or add grass and props from the base game. •The Mission Editor allows anyone to create their own missions for the game using vehicles and weapons from the base game, onto maps from the base game or maps made with the Map Editor. •Custom Maps & Missions are only available offline.
  • Devastation of war: •Explosions will destroy sandbags, walls, fences, vehicles, defenses, and entire buildings throughout the battlefield. This can radically change the power positions and tides during a fight. •Enemy fire suppresses you and your squad, lowering your accuracy and decreasing your overall peripheral vision. You will have to learn how to move safely within a combat scenario and keep your helmet on your head without it getting shot or blown off.

Buy now

Easy Red 2 is on the Xbox Store. Go and grab a download right now, playing it on Xbox One or Xbox Series X|S. 

There are also three expansions available for the game too. Each are priced at £4.99, but Marco Amadei is giving us access to the Ardennes, Normandy and Stalingrad themed content. Consider the low asking price of the base game and you may well find it within yourself to pick up a pack or two. 

Let us know what you think. The comments are – as always – below. 

Easy Red 2 Description

Easy Red 2 is the game for those who know just what they want from a World War 2 shooter: simulation in weapons and mechanics, historical accuracy in battles, and expansive maps leaving room for large-scale infantry and vehicle combat alike.

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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