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Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy – Why we’d love to see the bandicoot come to Xbox!


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It doesn’t matter if you’re strictly an Xbox gamer or you occasionally dabble in the offerings over on PlayStation from time to time, Crash Bandicoot will be a name you will have all heard of. In our house, Crash’s every outing has been played enough to make him a part of the furniture, and ever since he burst onto the scene back in the days of the PS1, millions of gamers have experienced the delights of the Wumpa Islands and battled with the dreaded Dr. Neo Cortex more times than we can keep count. But that doesn’t mean we’ve had enough of the clever little bandicoot and with his current arrival on Xbox neither confirmed nor denied at present, here’s a few reasons why we’d like to see him make an appearance on Xbox once more.

Whilst there are plenty of titles available on the Xbox Games Store, for those looking for a great platforming adventure, the games we arguably remember the most are the ones that we grew up with. Although today’s platformers offer plenty of quality for those that play them, they don’t quite make them like they used too. With the exception of the upcoming Yooka-Laylee, with the Team17 backed title due to arrive very soon, you’d be hard pushed to pick out a platforming title that shines with the same magic that was put into those classic titles of our younger years – read Crash, Spyro, Croc or Banjo-Kazooie. So, to see one of gaming’s most iconic characters make a return in the same way he first came to our screens is certainly one that will be pleasing many gamers on its own and given that gamers in general – and not just on Xbox – have been missing that classic platforming action for some time, it would be nice to see more of what we once loved make a return.

Another reason we find ourselves clinging to hope at Crash’s arrival is due to how long ago he made an appearance at all – on any format in fact. Although we’ve had more than enough to keep us occupied in the years since his last outing, there’s no denying the excitement we all feel when we see a sequel to our favourite games, and given that countless remasters that have been oversaturating the gaming market in recent years, is it really that surprising that we’d all quite like a chance to jump in on the action when the latest remaster includes not one but three classic adventures of something we’ve craved a return of for so long.

Now I know many will be shaking their fists and will be quick to point out the Crash Bandicoot Trilogy originally started life as a PlayStation title all those years ago, but is it really okay to leave such a welcomed return away from millions of gamers due to their console of choice? I’m sure that there will be many of you out there reading this who would like their own collection of Wumpa fruit in their hands -probably to throw in my direction for my eagerness to see the sly bandicoot make his way to Xbox – but as a group of people with the same interests, surely we shouldn’t care who gets to play what games?s Would seeing Crash make an appearance on Xbox be such a bad thing after all? I don’t think so.

Of course, there is no confirmation on the potential future destination of our favourite furry icon, but we’ll be sure to update you should we find he’s heading over the pond to join us once more. In the meantime, why not let us know what you think of the Crash N.Sane Trilogy coming to Xbox in the comments below or via our usual social channels.

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Carlos Santuana (Sly Boogie1993)
Carlos Santuana (Sly Boogie1993)
After 20 years of playing every game I can get my hands on, I can now be found selling my soul for anything Resident Evil, Gears of War, or Gamerscore related... all of which will be mastered after a good cuppa!


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7 years ago

You want to see Crash Bandicoot on Xbox because you think, as an Xbox, that it’ll take away an exclusive from Sonys arsenal and maybe sour their momentum. Consumers of the Xbox are fiercely loyal and upset their investment isn’t payi

Reply to  NeoMahi
7 years ago

My personal opinion is actually that exclusive games are a bad idea and always have been, I don’t wish to see anything taken away from anyone, and i’m a big fan of Xbox but own both consoles to ensure I can play anything and everything. I think given that we all enjoy games for what they are, we should all be allowed to enjoy all of them and let the hardware do the talking instead of games being separated between console of choice.

Reply to  Slyboogie1993
7 years ago

Im very fortunate to own all three as well. My previous comment is incomplete due to disqus being on the fritz freezing up and crashing so I gave up but it seems to do alright now.

Crash, you have to keep in mind, was practically conceived by Sony. Sure, Naughty Dog created him, Universal backed them and Mark Cerny, then at Universal, guided their business decisions. Naughty Dog had worked with EA before on publishing on the Genesis and did alright but ran out of product. They again tried to work with EA on their newly developed platform of choice, the 3DO which tanked. Cerny, was a smart man that obviously had experience in the industry and knew what he was doing. He could have told Naughty Dog to check out Nintendo or SEGA, but he didn’t. He saw things being more profitable on Sonys hardware, which to some would seem odd because Sony had significantly less experience than SEGA or Nintendo. Sony was brand new but Naughty Dog observed and studied their business practices and Sony internally made sense to them. We don’t know why because Sony, Nintendo, SEGA, and now Microsoft really don’t disclose their business practices. Even developers don’t talk about it, even if they’ve left. Crash became PlayStation and was the voice against Mario and Nintendo. At the end of the day, developers themselves are businesses. Like Naughty Dog, that are now flourishing because of Sony, they have to look at business practices and say: “This is what’s being presented to us, this is what’s best, and this is what we have to do.” Crash, just like Nathan Drake are synonymous with PlayStation. People who own Nintendo hardware generally don’t think of Nintendo when they hear those names. Likewise with Gears of War and Halo. PlayStation gamers don’t say, oh yeah! That’s Sony. And the same applies for Mario and Zelda. I don’t wish that Halo or Forza would come to PlayStation. I don’t hope that Mario comes to my PlayStation or Zelda to my Xbox. I don’t do that. I know where quality comes from. I understand that Sony knows what they’re doing with their development teams and they’re managing them properly. (Read the story of Corey Barlogs conversation with Shu Yoshida concerning God of War 2 on PS3, brilliant business decision.) And I contrast that to Microsofts decisions and Bungie choosing to leave. Insomniac had a similar falling out, but seems to like to constantly come back for Ratchet and Clank and now Spider-Man. Insomniac seem to be, again, liking how Sony does business after seeing what they did on their own with Fuze and Sunset Overdrive that are struggling and likely the company from that business decision. Kojima didn’t hesitate when approached by Sony. He could have gone straight to Microsoft that has bottomless pockets, but he knows Sonys strength, development resources from decades of experience, business models, and drive to create powerful hardware and the mindset that comes with that, to which Microsoft feels a threat and force to toss out Scorpio. Sony isn’t feeling threatened, they’re calm and directed.

Those that want on Xbox, now, when they clearly didn’t care about him, saleswise, when he was available too them in previous games, shows that they only want him now to try and suck the wind from Sonys sails. They as consumers feel a threat. If one owns all three consoles, legitimatly, they’re going to feel that nostalgia and go for that feeling bringing it back on PlayStation. It’s easy to psychologically cess out those that want to cause a ruckus. Granted, Sony doesn’t own the IP and Activision does, Activision knows better and have listened to consumers and know it’s the PlayStation fanbase that really obssesses over this more than any other crowd. They read the forums, attend the events. They know. The Xbox camp clearly doesn’t care, until it now posses a threat to them, or they realize they don’t have to play while PlayStation consumers “have it all”. I’m not saying that to be a jerk, I’m saying that because to many, that’s reality. Others are content with Halo, Forza, Call of Duty, and Madden, and could care less. The PlayStation community just seem to be yelling louder and there’s over 50 million of them. Sony have very good business practices.

I don’t see it as you do, and will have to respectively disagree. I too own all three and I love exclusives. I love the hardware exclusives and I love the console wars. It really is good for the industry and competition keeps pushing each other to do and be better. In the days of Atari, the competition wasn’t enough, Atari became a console with a bunch of crap that came from anywhere and everywhere and quality and innovation went out the window. Now, there’s plenty of competition not only to be innovative with software,but to be innovative with hardware and push the talent to find new and creative ways to change up gaming. Look at what Sony are doing. They’re not really concerned with impressive reviews on games. Look at what Uncharted does, then look at what Ratchet and Clank do. Then Horizon, and the Detroit, Beyond, and Heavy Rain. Sony are interested in diversity, and at present, blurring that line between cinema and gaming. Trying something new. Heavy Rain was a big risk, but one they were willing to take when Microsoft told Quantic Dream “Hell no!” It’s not safe. Halo and Fable are safe. We’re gonna have to pass and stick with what we have. Sony obviously said we like it! We want something new and fresh.

You see? It’s business decisions. Developers want to go with and work with companies that will appreciate them, not just take them because they’re desperate. Nintendo has their own way too, and developers choose to work with them because what Nintendo offers, fits that developers vision, no. The competition amongst hardware manufacturers and even PC is and always will be good for the industry.

Reply to  NeoMahi
7 years ago

I can fully appreciate your opinions and I agree with your mentioning of the “console wars” being a good catalyst for competition within the industry, which in turn helps maintain the quality of product we receive as gamers. However, in my opinion as a consumer, I feel it would be nice to see business models based on what each console can actually give me rather than the games I can play if I buy it.

Whilst Crash, and Uncharted are obviously something I recognise as being part of the PlayStation experience, I can’t help but feel it would be a much nicer experience to have games from all consoles available for everyone regardless of console choice, be it, Mario, Crash, Halo or whatever, and allow us to play competitively against one another across each platform, with Sony, Xbox and Nintendo instead having funds used for exclusivity pushed into further developments for what we all pay roughly the same amount for anyway, the consoles.

Although the competition between consoles is indeed an interesting one, I can’t see how it could be such a bad thing if the competition shifted to hardware capabilities over games available. Which in turn would mean everyone given the chance to experience every title. Of course this wouldn’t happen as business is business but one can wish.

7 years ago

It will cone two xbo you like this idea or not
I said that before and always
Crash is not an exclusive

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