Not content with what Dynasty Warriors 9 is giving you? Need to make things a bit more personal? You’ll need to splash the old cash then!
Available to purchase right now is the Dynasty Warriors 9 Hideaway Customization Pack on Xbox One. Priced at £6.39, by purchasing and downloading this pack you’ll find that a brand new scenario is added to your game, with The Ordeal allowing you to play around with Exterior Models and Furniture Models at your hideaways.
In fact, you’ll get access to no less than 5 new Exterior Models – the Jianning-Style Hideaway, Camp-Style Hideaway, Palace-Style Hideaway, On-the-Water Hideaway and the High-Rise-Style Hideaway, whilst 10 Furniture Models will also be included. These see the following all coming your way:
- New Functional Table and Chairs
- Candlestick
- Blacksmith’s Shelf
- Cook’s Shelf
- Fish Preserve
- Flowerpot
- Peach Tree
- Cherry Tree
- Stable
- Prayer Bench
In order to utilise the new Models found in The Ordeal, you’ll need to chat away with a specific NPC and from there you’ll be able to customise things till your heart’s content.
Should you have already purchased the Dynasty Warriors 9 Season Pass, then the content will already be available to you, so save that £6 and spend it on something a bit more worthwhile. Otherwise, get over to the Microsoft Store right now. Don’t forget to check out our review of DW9 on Xbox One too.
DLC Description:
An additional scenario “The Ordeal” is added, allowing you to obtain Exterior Models and Furniture Models to be used at your Hideaways. â–¼Exterior Models (5) ・Jianning-Style Hideaway ・Camp-Style Hideaway ・Palace-Style Hideaway ・On-the-Water Hideaway ・High-Rise-Style Hideaway â–¼Furniture Models (10) ・New Functional Table and Chairs  ・Candlestick ・Blacksmith’s Shelf ・Cook’s Shelf ・Fish Preserve ・Flowerpot ・Peach Tree ・Cherry Tree ・Stable ・Prayer Bench â–¼How to use Clear the added scenario to obtain the additional Exterior Models and Furniture Models. To start the “The Ordeal”, talk with a specific NPC who will appear at any city on the main continent. To change to the Exterior Models you have obtained, open the Select Hideaway menu from a Hideaway and select “Change Outward Appearance”. Note: This product is included in the Season Pass. Be careful to avoid making a redundant purchase.