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FATAL FRAME: Maiden of Black Water to haunt Consoles and PC in October


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Wishing to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the FATAL FRAME series in style? You’ll be able to do just that this October when FATAL FRAME: Maiden of Black Water releases on Xbox, PlayStation, Switch and PC with a special Digital Deluxe Edition.

It’ll be October 28th 2021 when KOEI TECMO (they behind the recent release of Samurai Warriors 5) unveil the long-awaited next instalment in their thrilling Japanese horror-adventure series with FATAL FRAME: Maiden of Black Water. And if you’re interested in dropping in, horror fans will be able to get their hands on this spine-chilling new adventure when it launches digitally on October 28th 2021 on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam.

FATAL FRAME: Maiden of Black Water is an enhanced version of the Wii U release from 2014, allowing players on all platforms to enjoy this unique horror experience.

It will see us stepping into the shoes of Yuri Kozukata, Ren Hojo, and Miu Hinasaki as they venture up the eerie Mt. Hikami in hopes of finding those who have previously disappeared. In order to overcome the malevolent spirits housed in the mountain’s waters, you will have to master the Camera Obscura – a unique camera that can deal damage to ghosts upon taking a photo. Each successful shot will cause a spirit to emit Spirit Fragments and if you’re able to capture an image of the ghost and these mysterious fragments in the same frame, they will unleash a high-damage Fatal Frame attack.

Upgrading the camera’s parts, such as equipping a stronger lens or changing out the film, allows more powerful images to be taken, giving players more protection as they venture further up the mountain. When a ghost has been defeated, the camera is able to perform the Glancing ability to uncover the ghost’s past – helping to uncover the truth behind the disappearances on the mountain.

Some 7 years from the original release, new to this enhanced version is a brand-new Photo Mode where players can use any character or ghost from their adventure, position them on a background of their choice, while adding a variety of effects (lens type, frame choice, focus, etc.) to make the perfect scary photo.

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New costumes and accessories have also been added including Yuri’s ‘Punk Ensemble’, ‘Cutesy Goth Ensemble (Black)’, ‘Swimsuit (Blue)’, and the ‘Triathlon Suit’ as well as Miu’s ‘Miku Hinasaki Outfit (The Tormented)’, ‘Cutesy Goth Ensemble (White)’, ‘Swimsuit (Yellow)’, and ‘Swimsuit (Pink)’, along with Ren’s ‘Groom’s Outfit’.

It’s 20 years since the FATAL FRAME franchise first came to prominence with the original game launching in Japan back in 2001. In celebration of its that milestone, KOEI TECMO have revealed a special Digital Deluxe Edition for FATAL FRAME: Maiden of Black Water that comes packed with a copy of the game, a digital artbook, and six costumes inspired from previous characters in the series. These anniversary costumes include the Mio Amakura and Rei Kurosawa outfits for Yuri, the Mayu Amakura and two Miku Hinasaki outfits for Miu, and the Kei Amakura outfit for Ren.

If you are interested, it may be worth you taking the time to pre-order FATAL FRAME: Maiden of Black Water, or purchase the game within the first two weeks of launch, as then you’ll be entitled to a special Ryza costume – inspired by the one featured in the first Atelier Ryza title – allowing the main characters to don the popular alchemist’s outfit and hat.

We’ll be sure to remind you when that FATAL FRAME: Maiden of Black Water release occurs on October 28th 2021 on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch and PC. Let us know what you think by hitting the comments.


Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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