HomeTheXboxHub News...Habitat hits its Kickstarter funding target. Coming to Xbox...

Habitat hits its Kickstarter funding target. Coming to Xbox One. Pledges Updated.


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Habitat, the real-time, physics-driven orbital strategy game will be coming to Xbox One as part of the ID@XBOX program. It has just reached its first Kickstarter target but with your help, they are still looking to hit a few more stretch goals.

Habitat: A Thousand Generations in Orbit is set in the far future and will see space become your playground.

Leading a team of engineers who are gathering debris floating in the vast wasteland of human and alien junk orbiting Earth, the aim is to build and manage space stations whilst managing the resources available and fending off numerous enemies.

Habitat introduces a new kind of combat using space debris as kinetic weaponry, which takes advantage of zero-gravity space conditions to defend habitats against enemies. Habitats can be destroyed in a matter of seconds, triggering massive chain reactions, so players must make some tough decisions to survive.

At time of writing the $50K funding target has just been met but there is so much more the guys at 4gency could do. The following Kickstarter stretch goals are now in place and with your help, could quite easily be met. 

Kickstarter Stretch Goals:

  • $70K: Individual Tech Trees for Citizens and Engineers – Upgrade the world of Habitat even more with genetic and technology upgrades for your denizens
  • $85K: Programmable AI Habitats – Automate habitats using a powerful and easy to use visual editor to make habitats scout and explore, track threats, auto-build and fight enemies
  • $100K: Rocket Arena – Battle against 3 other friends on the same machine in a timed race to construct and destroy using a shared field of debris
  • $115K: Mod Support – Script, skin, and share your own creations
  • $125K: Tower Defense Mode – Send and control waves of Habitats to try and take out an enemy stronghold
  • $150K: Dungeon Master Multiplayer – One player becomes the almighty dungeon master with control over events and anomalies on the map while another player tries to finish their objective

You can check out the Kickstarter project just here and whilst backing the project won’t guarantee you an Xbox One copy (due to the complexities of the ID@XBOX program), all funds will still go towards making the game as good as possible.

Update: There is very good news if you are an Xbox One owner wanting to get your hands on a copy of Habitat. For any pledge $35 and above, you will be able to choose Xbox One as your choice of game format. That’s cracking news for us and makes this an even more worthwhile Kickstarter.

We’ve backed it. Have you?

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.


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