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How Should You Invest In Your Desktop “Battlestation” For PC Gaming?


It’s fun to think of yourself as some kind of space captain as you put together the “battle station” of your PC gaming desktop. Sure, the term is quite nerdy, but since when was that a bad thing? Look to Reddit and you’ll see many people putting together elite, beautiful (and no doubt expensive) desktop stations to squeeze every last drop of cool gaming comfort out of the area they plan to spend hours exploring digital worlds. You don’t need to have a highly planned gaming space to enjoy your time doing so, but it can be a nice luxury.

How you choose to invest in your desktop is ultimately your choice. Perhaps you enjoy a standing desk or an L shape for more surface area. Perhaps a desk-size mousepad is ideal to you because it means you can easily stretch wide and far and play at a low DPI in FPS games.

Either way, we hope some of the following advice gives you a sense of accomplishment and comfort when playing your way. That’s all that counts, after all. Remember that these are just suggestions, and optional:

An Ergonomic Chair

It’s quite easy to pay most of our attention to the screen and specs in front of us, but the truth is that how we sit and the comfort we sit in matters for those long hours of gaming. An ergonomic chair is a worthwhile investment for many reasons. One, it helps you support your lumbar position through natural backrests. Some may be integrated into the chair, some may come in the form of a lumbar cushion.

Alternatively, with 4D armrests that let you adjust your seating position, and seating bases that don’t pinch the back of your legs, you’ll be much better off over time. A good chair is effectively an investment in your health and well-being. Now, you don’t need to purchase a highly expensive option as some might recommend, although for the warranty they offer that can work out to be a reasonable price over time.

There are many higher-end gaming chairs or even office chairs that can simulate the same for much cheaper, and if you find a second-hand variant, you may save even more money. Just be certain that any preowned chairs have had a gas and stability check before purchase.

Organizers & Stands

A gaming PC battlestation is similar to a home office in that it needs to be a comfortable space for you to sit down and commit to a task. Sure, you might not be organizing your finances from your gaming rig, but it pays to be organized either way.

But what do gaming organizers look like? Well, think of the peripherals you use for gaming each week. That might involve controllers you have plugged into your desktop. A good stand that houses both pads while also charging them in your absence could be a good investment and may look smart on your desk.

You may also opt for a simple bowl or container you can use to house some of your items off to the side, so you never lose them. This might include your keys, your smartphone, a Tablites vape, and mints.

A hook for your headphones, a mousepad that charges your mouse when not in use, and a comfortable armpaid for you to rest your wrists attached to your keyboard can all be examples of great organizers. To help your battle station look even cleaner, you may decide to implement wire clips to keep those pesky cables in and around your desktop computer from looking like a tangled spider’s web under your desk.

Fun Lighting

Now, lighting is entirely optional provided you have some in the room already. A couple of good lamps for evening use are all you really need. But if you enjoy the RGB side of gaming aesthetics, you may find that investing in some fun lighting utilities can be a great option.

If you ever hope to stream, then purchasing a key light can be a wonderful choice. This not only gives you a soft fill to help you illuminate your best angle, but it can help you increase the quality of your webcam as the bitrate looks better with adequate lighting.

You can also purchase LED lighting strips around your room or under your desk to offer that soft, wonderful glow that looks and feels magical.  Here you can change the color based on mood, from comfortable blues to more passionate reds, and all the spectrum in between. It’s nice to have this added ambience on top of your gaming hours, and brings the room together more comfortably.

Monitor Stands

Most monitors you purchase come with stands, but if you’re looking for a more seamless experience ,you can take the screens out of the stock stands and use a freestanding option behind the desk. This allows you to position your monitor over the desk, angled exactly how you like it. On top of that, multiple monitors can be placed together neatly to look fantastic and give you more screen real estate.

If your monitors have small bezels, this might even encourage you to play games on a wider angle with twice the resolution. Here you could also hook up games consoles or other devices to your second monitor for autonomy you’re looking for. On top of that, you might flip a monitor on its vertical axis to read more like a “feed,” this is perfect for news, forums, social media apps like X and more. 

To conclude, putting together a desktop space is nothing more than fun, and you get to decide how yours looks. There’s no right answer here, and so if you need to build it step by step or cheap out on some components (like using a kitchen chair as opposed to an office chair for a little while), while you invest in others, that can be a good idea too.

When all is said and done, no matter how modest your final result is, we’re certain it will look fantastic, and make you proud at your desk.

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