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Mixing puzzles with RPG, PictoQuest releases on Xbox and PlayStation


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Having previously spent time situated firmly in the PC and Nintendo Switch camps, NanoPiko and Seaven Studio are today dropping their puzzling RPG, PictoQuest to Xbox and PlayStation. 

Available today to purchase and download on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4 and PS5, as well as on Win10 to complement the previous PC and Switch drops, PictoQuest is looking like a fun take on the usual RPG romps that have flooded the market. 

This one is priced at £6.69 and will have you taking charge of a couple of young heroes, as they head off on a quest which focuses on the return of a few paintings. Do so and these guys will be able to save the land of Pictoria. 

The usual RPG mechanics that you would know are present here – fight some foes, work some magic and traverse the world as safely as you can. But thrown in to mix things up a little is the addition of a ton of Picto puzzles. Utilising the tried and tested grid systems that these have become famous for – you only have to look at the acclaim of Hatsune Miku Logic Paint S to see that there’s a market – and it’s here where PictoQuest works different pathways. 

Key game features include:

  • – Face plenty of grids and discover some beautifully animated enemies and artefacts!
  • – Fight baddies (even bosses!) on the way. Be smart or you could be the target of a critical hit!
  • – Having some issues with a specific puzzle? Head to the shop and spend some gold on powerful magic items.
  • – Try to reach the end of the world map, one puzzle at a time. You’ll find villagers giving you special missions, too!

The low price point and promise of great adventure and even greater puzzling marks PictoQuest out as one to seriously consider. We’re currently working through a full review and will be able to divulge our thoughts very soon. Before that time, you can grab a copy of PictoQuest for yourself from the Xbox Store for Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. 

It’s on those other formats too. 

Game Description:

Logic puzzles with a light RPG twist, here comes PictoQuest! Challenge your deductive skills by helping our two young heroes on their quest to bring the legendary paintings of Pictoria back! Look carefully at the numbers on the edges of the grid to stop the sneaky wizard Moonface…

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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