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New Report Suggests 2K is Working on a New BioShock Game


Let me preface this article by saying that BioShock is one of my all-time favourite games. The trilogy is something very special and a hallmark of the gaming industry. I have played through all 3 games and their respective expansions multiple times and I have long awaited a whisper of a new entry into the BioShock franchise. Well, today we got that whisper. Kotaku’s Jason Schreier took to Twitter to reveal that a new BioShock is in development at a top-secret 2K studio:

Of course, nothing has been officially confirmed and this is really the first time we’re hearing someone so boldly report on a new BioShock so naturally we must be a little dubious. With that being said, Kotaku’s Jason Schreier has a good track record with his leaks thanks to his many connections within the industry. It is for that reason that I would ascribe a fair bit of weight to his report and would go as far as saying he is most likely right with this one.

Irrational Games, the studio behind the latest BioShock game, BioShock Infinite, is no longer in business. Therefore, we can assume that a new studio has taken the helm of this new BioShock game. Kotaku’s Jason Schreier didn’t reveal too many details but here’s a rundown of what he did reveal.

We do know that some of the former devs of MAFIA 3 are working on the new BioShock game:

“Many of the people who helped make Mafia III are now gone, including the game’s art director, technical art director, senior producers, design director, many design leads, and a number of other key staff. Some left voluntarily; others were let go or asked to move. Some went to other game companies; others moved to the top-secret studio next door to work on an unannounced new BioShock game.“

He also spoke about how some members of Hangar 13, the developers of MAFIA 3, reacted to having the new Bioshock game developed so close to their studio:

”In the midst of all this confusion, some employees of Hangar 13 couldn’t help but look with envy at their neighbors. Next door, a small group of people were working on a project code-named Parkside, quietly recruiting from across the video game industry for a game so secret, they wouldn’t even tell their colleagues at Hangar 13 about it. Word got out, though, that it was in fact a new game in one of the most interesting shooter franchises of the past decade: BioShock.”

“If anyone from Hangar 13 tried to strike up a conversation with them, they’d say, ‘Oh, we can’t really talk about it,’” said one person familiar with the studio. “It was all very tight-lipped.”

”This caused some tension, as some developers at Hangar 13 looked over and wondered, Why are we not there? The Parkside team was working with the familiar Unreal engine rather than volatile proprietary technology, and BioShock has a ton of cachet among developers and fans. Between Mafia III’s mediocre reviews and Rhapsody’s constant shifts, some members on the Hangar 13 team were desperately hoping to move next door. A few got to do it, but not everyone.”

“The issue is that Parkside’s not ready for lots of people,” said one person involved. “They’re trying to be really smart about figuring out what the core thing is. They’re careful about not falling into the same problem every studio has, where they have too many people and nothing for them to do.”

Well, there you have it. Whilst still an unconfirmed report, if you are to believe this then it shows we can probably expect to hear some official news about this new BioShock game in the future. What would you want from a new BioShock game? Are you excited by this report? Let us know in the comments below.

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