HomeTheXboxHub News...Pandemic: The Board Game launches on Xbox One

Pandemic: The Board Game launches on Xbox One


pandemic xbox one

Even though video games have tried to kill it, the humble board game still has a place in society. Whilst it may have gone through some rocky patches, with a bit of a revival kicking in across recent years, it shows no sign of really being killed off though, and the integration with the video gaming world is one that many games have embraced. Pandemic is the latest to make the move to the virtual world, with Pandemic: The Board Game kicking up on to Xbox One.

Available to purchase and download right now on Xbox One, Pandemic: The Board Game will set you back a cool £16.74, unless you are an Xbox Game Pass subscriber in which case you’ll find the game sitting pretty in the scheme thanks to recent confirmation of its arrival.

But what is Pandemic: The Board Game? Well, anyone with their ear to the board scene will know all about it, as various iterations have popped up over the years since the first release back in 2008. Basically put though, it sees humanity on the brink of extinction as disease threatens to take over the world. As you may expect to hear, it’s your job to stop it from happening.

This Xbox One version of Pandemic: The Board Game sees you going at it in either in solo or cooperative mode as you utilise your best man management skills to bring together a crack team of scientists. With each coming with their own unique skillset and role options, only by utilising a perfect combination will the world be saved.

No less than 5 difficulty levels are in place to test your skills, and with the promise of full immersion in the subject, some challenging gameplay options and plenty of replayability, Pandemic: The Board Game could well bridge the board game to virtual gaming worlds with little cause for concern.

Interested? Get yourself over to the Xbox Store and grab Pandemic: The Board Game right now for Xbox One. Don’t forget that Xbox Game Pass users have free access too.

Game Description:

Humanity is on the brink of extinction. As members of an elite disease control team, you’re the only thing standing in the way of the four deadly diseases spreading across the world. You must travel the globe protecting cities, containing infections from spreading, and discovering the cure for each disease. The fate of humanity is in your hands! In solo or couch co-op mode, you will assemble a team of specialists to save humankind. Each member of the team has their own set of skills that you must use efficiently. Recruit the Medic to quickly treat diseases, discover a cure faster with the Scientist, or stop infections from spreading with the Quarantine Specialist. Each role opens new possibilities and syncs with the other roles to offer new strategies. Pick from seven available character roles to create your elite team. Can you save humanity? – Solo or couch co-op mode: Save humanity on your own or with up to four friends! – Choose your team from 7 different roles. – 5 difficulty levels to change the game for newcomers and veterans alike. – Immersive theme, challenging gameplay, and replayability. Don’t play the same game twice! – “On the Brink” DLC (to be released at a later date) offers new roles and specific events, as well as a new kind of virus: the virulent strain.

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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