HomeTheXboxHub News...Part one of the Blacksad: Under the Skin ‘making...

Part one of the Blacksad: Under the Skin ‘making of’ video series arrives alongside a new release date


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The folks over at Microids and Pendulo Studios have unveiled the first part of a ‘making of’ for their narrative-adventure game, Blacksad: Under the Skin. This first episode puts the spotlight on the transition from comic book to video game.

Before that though, let’s find out a little more about Blacksad: Under the Skin: it’s set in the ‘50s and takes us to New York City for an investigation over a missing boxer. Rising star Bobby Yale, due to take to the ring for the most important fight of his career, has mysteriously disappeared. Sonia Dunn, owner of the boxing club after the death of her father, hires private detective John Blacksad to investigate Yale’s disappearance. The highly anticipated boxing match of the year is drawing ever closer and the club’s finances would not survive a no-show from Bobby Yale. During the investigation though, John Blacksad will find himself swimming with sharks as it’s a mystery shrouded in corruption.

This video series, shot during the development of the game, will introduce you to not just the team behind the video game, but also both the writer and the artist behind the original Blacksad comic book: Juan Díaz Canales and Juanjo Guarnido. Dive headfirst in the Blacksad 50’s film noir universe to learn how Pendulo Studios managed to give birth to this comic book masterpiece and how this original adventure came to fruition. Get ready to discover unreleased documents, exclusive images of the characters’ creation, and meet the international crew working on the project.

For anyone even slightly interested in Blacksad: Under the Skin, it’ll be a great peek behind the scenes of the creative process. And if you enjoy it, there’s a second episode due to be released in just a few weeks.

Last, but not least, we’d like to inform you of the new release date for Blacksad: Under the Skin, which is now expected to be 5th November, 2019 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, PC and Mac. This extra time should enable the developers to add more polish to the game and deliver the best possible experience. For now though, we’ll leave you with the all-important video to have a gander at…

James Birks
James Birks
Been gaming casually since the SNES as a youngster but found my true passion for games on the Playstation 1 (the forbidden word ooo). My addiction grew to its pinnacle with the purchase of an Xbox 360 & Xbox Live Service. A recovering GS hunter that will still play literally any game.
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