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Player vs. Hacker – Who Wins?


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With online gaming evolving so much in the last few years, players have started to worry about gaming security. According to a U.S security firm, 55 % of gamers are afraid they might have been hacked or could be in the future.

Contrary to movies, books, or music, video games are the most entertaining and have probably the largest industry in the world. But with this, the risk of being targeted by hackers comes along.

Inside the game, everything changes. There is a new world where a potential hacker could steal your virtual goods and sell them for real money to other players.

Besides stealing virtual valuables, the cybercriminals want the players’ accounts, which are often more valuable than their virtual goods. Personal data, such as location, IP address, phone calls, or media engagement, are being tracked, leading to financial information leaks, such as bank account details.

How Should You Improve Your Gaming Security

It’s all fun and games in this industry until you get hacked. The gaming community is no stranger to cybersecurity threats. But there are still some ways you can prevent your gaming accounts from being hacked. Here is what you should consider about the game and cybersecurity:

#1. Choose Strong and Different Passwords for Every Authentication

Most gaming platforms require an account, and a common issue among gamers is that they reuse the same password for too many accounts. Other gamers reveal their usernames, or sometimes the game itself will give access to the players’ score. Top-rated scores are likely to be the most hacked because their accounts are more valuable.

One way to prevent your gaming account from being attacked is to choose strong passwords and avoid using the same password across multiple accounts.

#2. Pay Attention to Phishing Emails

Never open or click pages you’re not sure about. Mails from game providers will not require personal information or login details. If you can’t tell if an email is genuine, you can contact the game’s support team.

#3. Run an Antivirus Software

Although antivirus software is known to prevent you from common threats, it is recommended to use one regardless. It will improve your gaming security by offering you enough protection against Trojans, spam, ransomware, or spyware. For example, Avast is an award-winning free antivirus in cybersecurity and keeps online activity private using a VPN.

#4. Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

The same goes for free public Wi-Fi. Sensitive information is regularly stolen in the gaming industry due to free networking. When making game purchases, you should avoid logging into your personal accounts without using a VPN. Instead of choosing a public Wi-Fi, you can connect to your phone’s provider network.

Gaming Industry: How Game Companies Help You Out?

When it comes to game and cybersecurity, risks are on the rise. In most cases, the game companies will help you in avoiding a cybersecurity attack and will advise you on security best practices.

Offer User Support for Gamers

Most gaming companies offer enough support by using multi-factor authentication. If compromised, the gamers’ accounts can be blocked to avoid financial information leaking.

Besides that, most gamers are usually young players that do not think a lot about security practices. It is a moral obligation for gaming companies to provide a trusted gaming community for everyone involved and invited to play in.

Geofencing & Behavioral Biometrics

Geofencing is an effective tool used in-game and security, protecting the user accounts, while behavioral biometrics are used in cheat-detection systems. Although the latter option is costly to install, it is a good alternative in finding potential cheaters.

Respect a Gamer Personal Data

With gamers being vulnerable in front of cybercriminals, gaming companies themselves are at risk. Any gaming company must comply with the global Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), which requires your credit card details to be kept safe. Data protection must be ensured, and identity theft immediately reported.

Final Thoughts on Video Games and Security

With Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X being launched, and Fortnite, Call of Duty, FIFA, or GT Sport shining in the gaming era, the need for game cybersecurity has risen. From online gaming to video games to cyber attacks it’s just a step. And while both gaming consoles and gaming platforms have evolved in such a way that works on Windows, Android, iOS, or macOS, the risks of being threatened are far less than zero.

But who wins? Gamers or Hackers? The truth is that no one can defend against all the attacks. No matter your resources, no account or identity can be 100% safe. If secured and following our security improvements tips, you can set a difference between a safely protected account to a breach that could cost you a lot of money.

TXH loves nothing more than kicking back at the end of the day, controller in hand, shooting the hell out of strangers via Xbox Live.

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