As has become the norm in recent months, the monthly update for Gears of War 4 has arrived and the July update brings another two new maps for use in the Horde and multiplayer game modes. The latest additions bring players back to familiar battlegrounds with a returning favourite and a new version of a well-known map both joining the already expansive roster.
The first of the new maps, Raven Down, has players fighting it out around the crash site of a downed King Raven. With four corners of a lonely intersection brought together, Raven Down pushes the flow of combat into a circular pattern, something which works well for those that work together to push closer to entrenched positions. Raven Down is one of the first Gears of War multiplayer maps, and became a quick favourite in Gears of War for its close ranged combat, before returning once more in Gears of War 3 as part of the Fenix Rising DLC.
Reclaimed Windflare is the second of the two maps arriving in July’s update and this one comes as a modified version of something a little closer to home. Reclaimed Windflare is a twist on the original Reclaimed map that is also found within Gears of War 4, and features a wind flare that will periodically roll into the map in both Versus and Horde 3.0. Like in the Campaign, movement and projectiles will both be affected by the strong winds, and when the storm wall hits, telltale sizzling will alert players to incoming lightning bolts.
This new reimagined setting brings the fight back to the abandoned farmhouse that players have become synonymous with, with the fresh threat of a wind flare to spice things up and create an-all new experience.
Both maps are available to download now for free for all Season Pass holders. Those without the Season Pass can purchase them on the store individually for the price of £4.19 each.
Anyone who has jumped into the previous DLC maps will know the best way to get involved in everything Gears of War 4 has to offer is with the Season Pass, which brings all the maps together as they release. Those keen on expanding their Gears of War 4 experience will surely feel the need to jump in, and July’s maps certainly bring some great new reasons to do so.
Will you be heading back into the Gears of War 4 universe with July’s latest maps? Let us know in the comments below or via the usual social channels.
Raven Down Description:
A crashed King Raven isolates the four corners of this lonely intersection. Combat flows in a circular pattern, favouring those that work together to push entrenched positions.
Reclaimed Windflare Description:
A powerful storm threatens this once peaceful farm. When the weather picks up, a windflare joins the battle, with lightning strikes and heavy winds.