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Spellbreak Prologue, new modes, quests and talents detailed and dated!


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Since release back at the start of September 2020, Spellbreak has pretty much taken the world by storm, delivering multiplayer gamers a host of spellcasting opportunities as they go about channelling their inner battlemage. But the team at Proletariat aren’t sitting back twiddling their thumbs, instead pushing out a brand new content update – Prologue: The Gathering Storm. And we’ve not just got the release date of this update, but all the details you will ever need.

Coming on October 22nd 2020, Spellbreak players will be granted the opportunity to take in the first seasonal content update, Prologue: The Gathering Storm. This is the first major update for the game and it brings in a new Clash Mode, additional weekly quests, Talents and more.

Clash Mode will give a whole new way to experience Spellbreak as team deathmatch comes to the fore. Alongside that will be the arrival of new talents, potions, and cosmetics. And the best thing about it? The update will be free to all Spellbreak players.

“After an incredible launch, Spellbreak now has millions of players around the world,” said Seth Sivak, CEO of Proletariat. “This update represents the beginning of our plan to deliver robust content that offers new ways to experience Spellbreak’s unique combat and gives players a first taste of how we plan to deliver ongoing story content.”

Spellbreak’s latest update includes:

  • New Content — Prologue: The Gathering Storm will be free to all players and feature weekly quests with unique rewards
  • Introducing Clash Mode — 9v9 team deathmatch with 3 squads on each team
  • New Talents — Enable players to further customize their playstyle; Vigor: Bonus health; Ambidextrous: Enables the passive class ability in your offhand gauntlet; Foresight: Reveals nearby players on your minimap and shows future shrines/circles
  • Halloween Content — New Outfits, Artifacts, Cloudbursts, Afterglows, Emotes, and Badges! Just in time for “Hollowed Eve!”

If you haven’t yet played Spellbreak then we’d highly advise you to head to the Xbox Store and grab the download on Xbox One. Alternatively you’ll find it on Switch, PS4 and PC. It’s free to download and free to play – in fact, getting involved is a bit of a no brainer. And if you don’t believe us, you’d do well to check the latest accolades trailer down below. We particularly like the 16 second mark!

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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