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The top 5 games to look forward to in 2019


STAR WARS JEDI: FALLEN ORDER – Release date: 15th of November

During this year’s Star Wars Celebration, EA and Respawn Entertainment finally lifted the veil and introduced the much promising Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order to fans! The game franchise has returned to its roots and is once again a single player game only.

In Jedi: Fallen Order, players take on the role of young Padawan Cal Kestis, a Jedi in training, who is hiding after the Jedi order has been eliminated by the Empire. Throughout the game, players learn new skills and unlock the true abilities of young Cal. The released trailer from E3 shows a very promising game and some interesting game dynamics. This game fits perfectly into the Stars legacy and carries forth the torch in a spectacular manner. We’re eager to get our hands on the game! The waiting time is killing us! We can highly recommend players to visit diablo-technologies to get their hands on some of the best promo codes for betting sites in the industry. It will undoubtedly make the time zoom by and who knows – you might be able to cash out a huge prize too!


SUPER MEAT BOY FOREVER – Release date: To Be Announced

Indie fans won’t need an introduction to this classic cult game. It had such a big impact that it was also the main focus of documentary Indie Game: The movie. 9 years after the game was first launched, it is not set to rock the boat once again!

So, what’s new? Well, Meat Boy and Bandage Girl shacked up and now have a small toddler. It is your primary mission to save your daughter from evil doings. Meat Boy also runs on his own now, leaving players more time to focus on jumps, diving, sliding and performing cool mid-air kicks. It’s a great all-around couch potato game that will keep you entertained until you pass out – just what any game should like any great game! If you want to pass the time until the game is finally released (or at least announced) then we recommend you to check to out this source which contains some of the best promo codes for betting sites in the industry. It will make the time fly by and it could potentially be very profitable!

GEARS OF WAR 5 – Release date: 10th of September.

Most fans are looking forward to the release of Halo Infinite, but seeing as we probably won’t see a release date in 2019, Gears 5 looks to offer plenty of action to pass the waiting time. Gears 5 is promising in itself and takes a turn from its predecessor, Gears of War 4, which was very predictable although fun.

The game introduces plenty of new mechanics, but cover-based blasting your way through the game remains a big part of the game experience. The new game is also said to have some of the most vibrant and colorful environments so far. A heroine is also introduced, evening up the playing field slightly in an industry that is traditionally male-dominated. 


DOOM ETERNAL – Release date – 22nd of November 

Most of us remember the first DOOM game when it came out. It was nothing but revolutionary, but most importantly – it offered massive amounts of blood, action and monsters which shifted the attention from the somewhat mundane gameplay. In 2016 the game received a reboot which was met with great praises.

Doom Eternal seems to take the whole gaming experience to another level. Most exciting is probably the new shotgun that also looks like a hefty meat cleaver that enables the player to swing around in-game and hook onto enemies from a distance. It is the same type of rapid and fast-paced shooting game that you would expect and it seems to still have the same great run-and-gun dynamics that made it so much fun to play the original game.

FIFA 20 – Release date: 27th of September

The FIFA games are well known by most players and hardcore football fans will be thrilled to know that it is set to be released this year, packed with all of the latest teams, players and statistics.

FIFA 20 introduces a new game mode, where players take it to the streets and play some good ol’ street football, called Volta Football. This doesn’t mean that FIFA does not focus on the familiar 11 versus 11 matches, but just that a more casual game mode has been added with different game dynamics and an immersive career mode that will ensure that you stay glued in front of the screen.

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