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Why You Should Pre-Order Video Games


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One thing I think gaming media can sometimes lack, and that includes the space incorporating YouTubers and gaming media personalities/voices within our communities, is a balanced argument.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I will be arguing the case for pre-ordering video games, despite my immediate desire to burn and destroy all conception and practical application of the pre-ordering process within the games industry.

After you’ve read this article you’ll be tempted as to why you don’t pre-order MORE video games, as I unravel the psyche behind those gamers and Amazon prime owners who love pushing the pre-order button found next to their most anticipated video game.

Busting the Bank (Early)

Let’s take a moment to have a reality check. A game you’re almost definitely going to buy at launch is coming out soon. It’s £50. Maybe it’s the new Call of Duty or FIFA which you buy religiously every year. Maybe it’s Gears 5 because the game looks great. Irrelevant. The point is that you’re going to be buying this game at launch.

Facing this fact – you’ll be giving your game supplier some dollar when the game comes out, or, you could just get it out of the way and give them the monies now. This way at least you know that you’ve busted the bank early and you can put your mind and account balance at rest until you get your hands on that tasty gameplay.

Early Access = Conception to Reality

The reality of early access is that some developers release their unfinished game early to help fund the project to completion. Buying this early access version of the game isn’t probably seen by most as pre-ordering. But you are essentially buying a game that isn’t out yet.

Moving the debatable aspect aside for a moment, buying the early access form of the game, or pre-ordering the full game, in this instance will help the developers finish the final product. The one which you will likely want to play.

In this scenario, think of Kickstarter projects such as Yooka-Laylee and Shovel Knight, you are helping create the game in the first place by pre-ordering it.

There is the obvious risk, as mentioned in my previous article, about the game never coming to light, but risking this seems better than the game not being made at all. Especially if you’re a big fan of the developer and their game is one of your most hotly anticipated titles.

Bonus Content

We all love extra content. Whether it’s free updates, new costumes to unlock, or sizeable DLC packs such as The Witcher 3’s Hearts of Stone, offering the opportunity for the player to participate and/or purchase more content is usually great.

Even better is the additional content you receive when pre-ordering a game; new missions and outfits, as well as weapons and areas. What’s more is that the pre-order bonuses aren’t exclusively digital.

You can get some excellent lithographs, cards, figurines and more in a wide range of Collector’s Editions. Which only seem to be getting more varied as time goes on.

Guaranteed Werewolf

I wanted Red Dead Redemption II as soon as humanly possible. So, I pre-ordered it. Mainly because I had to, and/or because I was persuaded to. My local GAME explained that if I didn’t pre-order the game, I may not be guaranteed a copy when I turn up at midnight.

I thought to myself – why bother the risk when I could just guarantee that I’ll be able to play it at midnight if I pre-order? There were probably more than enough copies for the rest of the month that came on the first day, but I still got to play the game at midnight (after the hour and a half installation process) and it was fantastic.

Hyping Your Hype

There’s something special about giving into your hype every once in a while. To be THAT excited about something you’re anticipating can be a powerful feeling. One that can make you feel like a kid again. Giving in to this hype and pre-ordering the game you’ve been waiting years for isn’t intrinsically bad.

Be passionate about the games you’re looking forward to, and if that passion manifests itself as pre-ordering a game, then so be it. You’re still purchasing the game, supporting the developers, and putting your mind to rest that the game will be in your hands when it is ready.

What’s so bad in that?

Nick Burton
Nick Burton
Believer in the power of video games and the conversations surrounding them. Writer, creator, and thinker above all else.
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