Dishonored is one game that is going to be right up there on many gamers Game of the Year list, and if you haven’t yet experienced the stealth action adventure set in the city of Dunwall, then now is as good a time as any.
The full game and all the DLC packs are currently the subject of massive discounts for all Xbox Live Gold members.
Dishonored – Usually £24.99 now£8.24
The Brigmore Witches DLC – Usually £6.75 now £3.37
The Void Walker’s Arsenal DLC – Usually £2.69 now only £1.34
The Knife of Dunwall DLC – Usuall £6.75 now £3.37
Dunwall City Trials DLC – Usually £3.39 now £1.69
As you can see, bargains to be had and all the above can be picked up right now from the Xbox Games Store or from your 360 console