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10 of the easiest Achievements from the Xbox One games released in March 2018


March has finished, April is underway and before we get lost in another hectic month of new releases, we’re back once more to bring you some of the easiest achievements available from all the games to arrive on Xbox One from the past month. Whether you’re looking for an easy boost to your Gamerscore, or simply can’t face dropping behind your friends on that monthly scoreboard, our list has you covered. So get stuck in as we bring you 10 of the easiest Achievements from the Xbox One games released in March 2018.

Before we get started however, please note that all Achievements shown in this article are accurate in percentages shown at time of writing, and the only games available for inclusion are those that released in March 2018.

Now, on to those easy cheevos!

Now Bring Me That Horizon – Sea of Thieves – 10g – 50.47%

It’s fair to say that Sea of Thieves was one of the most anticipated Xbox releases this year, and whilst it may not exactly be packed with content to keep us coming back time and time again, it does come with a few Achievements that you’ll be nabbing in the very opening moments of the game.

Although it may sit at just over 50%, the achievement titled ‘Now Bring Me That Horizon’ is certainly not one that will be giving many players much difficulty. To unlock this achievement, players will have to do no more than simply set sail for the first time. Whilst the huge ships you and your crew board may not be the simplest to control, they are your key method of transportation and with the vast majority of gameplay pitting you against the open seas, it’ll only take a matter of minutes to pop your first 10g.

Way of the Power Fist – Way of the Passive Fist – 10g – 66.07%

If unique and colourful adventures are your thing then arcade brawler Way of the Passive Fist is certainly one you’ll want to consider checking out. 90’s style cartoon visuals, fluid controls and classic brawler gameplay means that Way of the Passive Fist is a perfect throwback to retro fighting.

If you’re after easy points, then you’ll find it good for that too, with the majority coming from story progression. One of the easiest you’ll find however is Way of the Power Fist. To grab this one and nab 10g before even leaving the tutorial, all you have to do is perform your very first Power Punch attack. With only 66% having grabbed this one, you’d probably be expecting some kind of Mortal Kombat style combo before popping this, but with rather simplistic controls, it’s fair to say this is by far one of the easiest achievements you’ll find in the game – you’ll have it popped after just a few button presses.

Where No Man has Gone Before – Surviving Mars – 5g – 78.07%

Getting towards the more popular Achievements of the past month now and this one is another that you’ll find unlocking before you’ve even had chance to settle yourself into the game.

Surviving Mars is the latest survival simulation game that puts players on the famous Red Planet. Whilst it may be a vast improvement over previous Mars survival sim Planetbase, the Achievement list associated with Surviving Mars is certainly a more user-friendly one that many will have found much less difficulty in mastering. There are a couple of point gatherers for this one that can be unlocked early on, but the most notable one has to come down to Where No Man has Gone Before.

As you’d expect, colonising an entirely new planet would probably bring a fair amount of trial and error as you look to establish what’s what in your new living environment and that’s something you’ll frequently be doing within Surviving Mars, with one of the first actions you’ll make upon starting a new game being to analyse anomalies around your new living area. It may only offer a minimal 5g boost to your Gamerscore, but analysing your first Anomaly is an easy Achievement you’ll find yourself wiping off the list early on.

5g is 5g. We’ll take it.

Lookin’ Good – Burnout Paradise Remastered – 10g – 85.53%

So, it finally happened. Everyone’s favourite arcade racer has landed on current generation consoles and what a welcome return it is for the Burnout franchise – even if it is only in Burnout Paradise Remastered fashion.

Fortunately though with more of the same from the gameplay comes more of the same from the Achievements, and with the list of Gamerscore earnt in exactly the same way once more, there was one in particular that was always going to be an easy earner. The Achievement in question of course is Lookin’ Good, and to pop this easy 10g, all players have to do is take their first wrecked car through the repair shop. It’s something you’ll find yourself doing a lot anyway within the game, and so the opening objective is enough to see this one ticked off the list as you’ll be running through the repair shop with your very first vehicle just moments after your tires hit the streets of Paradise City.

Find Inventions – Tesla vs Lovecraft – 15g – 86.20%

Tesla and Lovecraft, two of the finest minds in their respective fields meeting in the weirdest of circumstances. It’s weird, it’s wacky and it’s very wonderful.

Although you’ll rarely find us complaining about titles that dare to delve into the crazy, there’s nothing better than when such titles also bring a fancy list of Achievements that can be unlocked for doing naff all.

Tesla vs Lovecraft has two of these beauties pop up within the opening three-stage tutorial. The first is the mentioned Find Inventions and the only reason this one trumps our second entry for the game is the slightly higher percentage. To grab this one, all you’ll need to do is master the first basic level (which takes no more than a minute) and collect the item at the end – which is necessary for progress meaning you won’t be missing this one.

That will be all it takes to nab your first 15g at least. If you’re willing to stick at the game for a further few minutes however, then Baby Steps is another notable Achievement that 85% of players have already popped, with this one bringing a hefty 100g boost to your Gamerscore provided you are willing to complete the three-stage tutorial.

Five minutes work for 115g… not a bad at all I must say.

Have a Cookie! – The Story Goes on – 5g – 90.24%

Unfortunately, not every easy Achievement is going to provide quite such a sizeable chunk of digital boast-worthy numbers for your scores though and this one brings the tone back down to a meagre 5g. Nevertheless, with multiple to choose from within The Story Goes On, it’s not surprising that one of them was going to get mentioned.

For this one, all you’ll have to do is start a new run. That’s right, nothing more than hitting the start button to get going in your very first game and you’ll nab 5g for your efforts… doesn’t feel so tight after all does it?!

If you’re not satisfied with that though, then you’ll be happy to hear that more 85% of players have already found themselves enjoying the extra 10g that comes from X Marks the Spot! – the lovely little cheevo for arriving in your first boss room.

After that your on your own though, but at least these should get you started.

Job description – NORTH – 100g – 90.38%

It may have been one of the earliest releases of the month, but that doesn’t mean we weren’t paying attention. All said and done, if it’s purely Achievements you’re after, then NORTH in general is probably the way to go with all 1000g available after just an hour or two at most.

If you don’t quite fancy yourself a short afternoon in front of the TV however, then simply jumping into your new role and getting started on your journey will be enough to see your very first 100g pop in all its glory. What’s more, every Achievement within this cosy experience will provide a persuasive score boost should you stick with it, and with a fairly decent adventure to play through, there’s no reason not to get stuck in.

Unlock Stage 2 – Spiral Splatter – 50g – 91.59%

Not only is this one of my personal favourite games to release in recent times – which is surprising for a puzzler – but it’s also another one that throws decent chunks of Gamerscore in our direction.

This Achievement is simply for completing the first level, something you’ll find yourself able to do with your eyes closed if you really wish, yet you’ll get a lovely 50g for your efforts. Stick with it through Stage 2, and you’ll get an extra 50g for that as well, and what’s more, if you’re anything like me and find yourself going drastically downhill after the difficulty increase from this point on, then you’ll nab a final 50g for collisions with the walls 50 times.

All-in-all 150g and very little effort required. We approve of Spiral Splatter.

Lost in Space – Q.U.B.E. 2 – 25g – 91.85%

Q.U.B.E. was a fantastic game when it arrived on Xbox and after enjoying it as much as we did, there was no chance we were going to overlook the puzzling sequel with Q.U.B.E. 2.

To our surprise however the opening few minutes – all of which were spent in the tutorial section – were more than enough to provide a hefty 50g to our travels. The most notable of which being Lost in Space that you’ll find popping the moment you take your first steps on your journey.

Giving off a wonderful 25g, another arrives two minutes later for picking up the necessary Red power up which is still part of the tutorial. And they said this was a puzzler…

Fall Guy – TT Isle of Man – 10g – 93.23%

No one likes failing in games, especially when the thing your failing at is the thing you’re supposed to be spending the entire time not doing, but that’s something many people found themselves doing when the overly sensitive bike racer TT Isle of Man arrived last month.

The fact that this Achievement was already unlocked by 90% of players just two hours after launch should tell you a lot about how easy it is to do this one.

To grab Fall Guy all you need to do is find yourself falling off your bike 10 times. Think you’re too good to unlock this one? Think again! Whether you’re a racing veteran or a complete newbie, there’s very little chance that you won’t have this one unlocked by the end of your first race, especially considering TT Isle of Man comes with possibly the most sensitive controls in any racer we’ve ever seen.

Should you really be that one individual with the luck of the gods however, then aim for that barrier 10 times and you’ll nab the easiest 10g of the month. Seriously though, you’ll be falling off anyway, so you may as well be rewarded for it – enjoy.


So, there we have it, another month of new releases and another great selection of easy Achievements to get those scores boosted. Did you unlock any of those found within our list? Are there any we’ve missed that you think deserve an honourable mention? Let us know in the comments below or via our usual social channels.

Carlos Santuana (Sly Boogie1993)
Carlos Santuana (Sly Boogie1993)
After 20 years of playing every game I can get my hands on, I can now be found selling my soul for anything Resident Evil, Gears of War, or Gamerscore related... all of which will be mastered after a good cuppa!
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