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2 new arrivals hit Xbox One via Backwards Compatibility – Are they worth the return?


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Last week we had a ton of new backwards compatible titles come to the Xbox One, helping to push the number of games closer to the 400 backwards compatible mark. Today sees two more additions, but are they games that players should dust off once more or should they be left in the past?

Earth Defence Force: Insect Armageddon – Play

EDF is a third-person shooter which throws players into the shoes of ‘Lightning Alpha’ the leader of Strike Force Lightning. It’s the job of Strike Force Lightning to protect the earth from invading alien forces.

Unfortunately, despite several titles in the series, Earth Defence Force was only really enjoyed by a small group, which failed to see the series turn into anything bigger. That said, whilst being a very simple game, Earth Defence Force: Insect Armageddon was still enjoyable to play.

Although there are plenty of other top quality third-person shooters on the market, anyone looking for something simple to pick up and play, need look no further. It may not be something for those with a bustling library of games, but it will certainly provide a couple of hours of fun on a rainy day.

F1 2014 – Ignore

With yearly releases, it’s hard to see how a game could get worse, but F1 2014 didn’t do much to improve on the successful previous release – instead opting to remove the popular classic mode feature.

Whilst the game received praise for a lack of clutter, the dumbed down Career Mode felt very uninspiring, and with nothing new to speak of, it simply went down as an F1 game to forget.

Of course, anyone looking to get a satisfying F1 thrill would certainly do well to head back into F1 2016 instead, with last year’s release finally proving that the series can provide enjoyment once more with an exceptionally strong and enjoyable showing. With Career Mode back to its best and some of the most realistic driving we have seen in the series so far, F1 2016 gives more than enough reason to forget heading back to any previous entries… especially the 2014 version.

So, those are our thoughts on the latest Xbox 360 titles to grace Xbox One’s backwards compatibility feature. Do you agree with our thoughts? Let us know in the comments below or via our usual social channels.

Carlos Santuana (Sly Boogie1993)
Carlos Santuana (Sly Boogie1993)
After 20 years of playing every game I can get my hands on, I can now be found selling my soul for anything Resident Evil, Gears of War, or Gamerscore related... all of which will be mastered after a good cuppa!


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Soda Popinski
Soda Popinski
7 years ago

Who picks these games, I mean really……. -smh-
– Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
– Tomb Raider Anniversary
– Tomb Raider Legend
– TMNT: 1989 Arcade
– SSF2T: HD Remix

jesse burrows
7 years ago

Aaannnnddd im still waititng for crysis , metal gear, and splinter cell….

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