HomeOther7 Strategy Games to Sharpen Your Gaming Wit

7 Strategy Games to Sharpen Your Gaming Wit


In the vast world of video games, strategy titles hold an exceptional position. Not your average run-and-gun titles, they resemble intricate chess boards demanding foresight, cunning, and adaptability from players. Playing strategy games is like attending boot camp for your brain – honing skills that transcend both virtual and real gaming realms alike. But which strategy games truly sharpen your acumen, one battle at a time? We present seven such titles here.

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Chess Is an Enduring Game of Strategy

Chess, often considered the classic strategy game, goes far beyond being just another pastime to embody an age-old battle of wills that employs centuries of strategic principles and tactics. This two-player strategy game originated in early 6th-century India before spreading worldwide. Set against an 8×8 grid battlefield, its goal is to checkmate an opponent’s king. Each piece, from pawns to queens, has their own distinct moves, creating an intricacy that challenges players to think several moves ahead, anticipate their opponents’ strategies, and respond quickly to changing dynamics on the board. Chess requires an understanding of principles such as control of the center, piece development, and king safety, while at the same time encouraging creativity and problem-solving skills. Chess also teaches patience, foresight, and the value of making decisions with both immediate and long-term implications. Chess has long been recognized for its intellectual rigor and cultural legacy, symbolizing mental acuity and strategic mastery. It has been celebrated through books, movies, and competitions alike. Chess offers an exceptional opportunity for an individual to develop their gaming abilities, not only by mastering its intricate strategies but also in strengthening cognitive skills applicable to everyday life and other strategic games – an undoubtedly powerful demonstration of its enduring relevance in our modern era of gaming.

StarCraft II: The Art of War 

StarCraft II has become an icon within real-time strategy games and stands as a digital battlefield where futuristic fiction meets strategic warfare. Blizzard Entertainment’s StarCraft II game has revolutionized not only eSports but also redefined the principles of strategic gaming. Set in an alien galaxy, Starcraft presents an intricate tale involving three distinct races: Terrans (humans expelled from Earth), Zerg (superspecies composed of various life forms), and Protoss (a technically advanced race with psychic powers). Each race offers its own distinct set of units and technologies, necessitating players to employ not just one but several strategic approaches when engaging in combat. Additionally, real-time strategy adds another level of difficulty by necessitating swift decision-making and precision when carrying out tactics. StarCraft II’s multiplayer mode is an embodiment of its design. Players from around the globe compete to show off their strategic skills. StarCraft II stands as a testament to strategic gaming’s lasting legacy, offering a platform that tests planning, quick thinking, and adaptability while taking tactical warfare to an engaging interstellar battlefield.

Civilization VI Is an Interactive Lesson in History and Strategy

Civilization VI stands as an icon among strategy games, combining history, culture, and strategic planning into an immersive fabric of interactive learning and entertainment. Firaxis Games’ turn-based strategy game pushes the limits by allowing players to guide a civilization from its early beginnings all the way up until it enters modernity. The game stands out through its sophisticated diplomatic systems, technological research trees and cultural development tracks, offering multiple paths to victory while encouraging players to think carefully about their choices and consider all their ramifications. Each civilization, led by an important figure from their historical or cultural identity, offers its own set of advantages, units, and architectural styles that give players a distinctive experience and add variety and depth to the game. City planning and district development create layers of strategic depth, compelling players to consider geography, resources and long-term planning as part of their quest for dominance or peaceful coexistence. Civilization VI provides more than an engaging gaming experience, it also educates on historical events, technological breakthroughs, and cultural milestones, making history accessible and engaging. Civilization VI’s strategic complexity stimulates critical thinking and tactical adaptability, providing lessons both within and beyond its virtual boundaries. More than just a game, Civilization VI serves as a continuing education lesson about history and strategy, encouraging players to leave their mark on our world.

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XCOM 2: Unleash Tactical Warfare 

XCOM 2 is the sequel to one of the best strategic games ever created, taking players into an intricate battle against an alien invader force occupying our world. Firaxis Games, best known for the Civilization series, created XCOM 2, shifting the narrative away from that of the first game by placing players as leaders of an underground resistance movement battling to restore Earth. This game stands out for its intense tactical combat, where each decision may make or break your chances at victory or lead to the death of some of your best soldiers. Players take control of the Avenger, a mobile base which enables them to direct research and development, manage resources, and plan missions across the world. Thanks to procedurally generated maps and objectives, no two missions are identical, providing endless replayability. XCOM 2’s unique blend of strategic base management and turn-based combat sequences provides an engaging gaming experience, rewarding careful planning and adaptation. Furthermore, there is a robust modding community dedicated to expanding its lifespan with new content and customizations. Through its engaging gameplay, detailed world-building, and engaging narrative, XCOM 2 not only entertains but also cultivates critical thinking skills and leadership abilities. It stands as proof of strategic games’ ability to combine fun with intellectual challenge by inviting players to immerse themselves in an epic fight for Earth’s survival.

Into the Breach – Thinking Several Steps Ahead

Subset Games Into the Breach demonstrates strategic foresight and planning like no other game can. Players in this turn-based strategy game control a team of mechs fighting to protect humanity across various islands from an onslaught of monstrous creatures. Contrary to traditional strategy games, in which players may simply respond to enemy moves, Into the Breach requires players to anticipate future moves by planning several steps ahead. This is due mainly to how the game gives full visibility of enemy intentions before they execute their actions, making each turn an intricate puzzle of optimal moves and counteractions. Players must carefully consider the layout of the battlefield, the capabilities of their units, and their actions’ possible outcomes on subsequent turns. Although this game has an apparent simple design, its depth lies within each mission, with multiple outcomes available based on player decisions. Success in Into the Breach lies in possessing strategic proficiency and being able to anticipate and counter the enemy’s moves while protecting civilian lives and managing resources effectively. Into the Breach’s emphasis on forward thinking and adaptability makes for an intellectual challenge as well as serving as a reminder of the necessity of foresight when problem-solving. Engaging with Into the Breach provides an exciting blend of tactical gameplay and strategic resource allocation that requires players to perfect their strategic planning skills as well as their critical thinking abilities.

The Banner Saga Trilogy – Decisions That Shape the World

The Banner Saga Trilogy from Stoic Studio presents an exquisite tapestry of Norse mythology, strategic gameplay, and impactful storytelling where player decisions significantly shape narrative arcs and the world they inhabit. Players in this role-playing strategy game series navigate a caravan of survivors through an exquisitely hand-drawn landscape that seems poised on the edge of eternal darkness. The Banner Saga Trilogy differs significantly from many games by placing significant weight on decision-making. Each decision leads to divergent paths, which could endanger or end up benefiting key characters and alter the fate of whole communities. The trilogy is marked by turn-based battles that demand both tactical and narrative consideration during each conflict. As resources are limited, leadership requires making difficult decisions that impact morale, supplies, and trust among caravan participants. The art style, inspired by classic animation, combined with an emotive score adds emotional depth and weight to each of the player’s decisions throughout the trilogy. Strategy extends beyond battlefield tactics. Here, it involves carving your path through a beautifully grim world while forging alliances and choosing who survives to see the dawn of a new saga. The Banner Saga Trilogy showcases this potency of choice, as each choice makes a mark on not just immediate outcomes but on a world hung on a tenuous thread.

Total War: Three Kingdoms – Mastering the Art of War

Total War: Three Kingdoms is an immersive strategic RTS set in ancient China, where diplomacy and warfare coexist to build empires. At its core, this installment in the Total War series goes far beyond traditional real-time battle strategies and turn-based management. Players will discover an immersive narrative in which historical and iconic characters vie for dominance against one another during the Three Kingdoms period of Chinese history. Achieving victory requires mastering both military and diplomatic tactics simultaneously in order to emerge victorious. Players must use strategic acumen when managing their factions, developing cities, and engaging in complex relationships, all while using tactical armies on the battlefield. The game builds upon the series’ hallmark of grand tactical warfare with character-driven stories and alliances, powered by “Guanxi”, an innovative system that brings characters alive through relationships, personalities, and ambitions. Real-time battles can be thrilling spectacles, requiring precise maneuvers and an understanding of terrain to win out over conflict. Heroes often emerge to add their skills as game changers in these battles. Success in Total War: Three Kingdoms rests upon the player’s ability to use military genius, strategic diplomacy, and interpersonal relationships effectively in battle, reflecting an ancient Chinese saying of know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated.

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By engaging with these strategy game titles, you aren’t simply engaging in entertainment, you are also experiencing personal transformation. Each game serves as a different gym apparatus designed to shape and develop your brain into an efficient strategic-thinking machine. Lessons learned in virtual worlds may prove beneficial in real-life scenarios, improving problem-solving abilities, decision-making abilities, and emotional intelligence. No matter if it’s orchestrating the rise and fall of civilizations, commanding troops in fierce battle, or managing resources for your empire’s survival, games will make you a sharper gamer while also giving you practice for life itself.

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