Xbox One Reviews

Argonauts Agency 6: Missing Daughter Review

Argonauts Agency 6: Missing Daughter - an impossible challenge for any level designer.

Grandia HD Collection Review

Grandia HD Collection may not appeal to everyone, but those drawn to it will find this to be a great package. 

Aery – Cyber City Review

In pure gameplay terms, we think Aery - Cyber City might be the least enjoyable of all Aery games. 

Lunar Axe Review

If you like puzzle games and are looking for a cheap option, Lunar Axe is probably worth a piece of your time. 

Bakery Simulator Review

Bakery Simulator is the bread bun of the baking world - bland and uninteresting, but some people might still like it.

ToeJam and Earl: Back in the Groove! Review

News from Funkotron has been on the thin side, at least until now. See, HumaNature Studios, with the backing of a successful Kickstarter campaign, have brought a new entry - ToeJam and Earl: Back in the Groove!. Playing like the original game, is this a step too far for our funky aliens, or will the gameplay still work today? Let’s strap on some spring shoes and find out!

Beat Cop Review

This is not a gritty crime drama or a tough look at fighting crime. It's a comedy, and the game makes fun of every aspect of that genre, offering many hilarious situations that you have to police your way through. In fact, Beat Cop had me in stitches almost all the time, laughing hard at some of the lines. Beat Cop is irreverent too with lots of cursing and “adult” situations that happen. And all that said, it’s easily one of the most enjoyable and fun games I have played this year.

Blood Waves Review

Blood Waves? Hmmmm. What could this possibly be about I hear you ask. Well, this is a game that certainly does what it says on the tin, but sadly not much else.

R.B.I. Baseball 19 Review

As a big fan of baseball, it’s natural to be filled with hope every spring. Hope that this will be the year that my favorite team finally stops being inconsistent, hope that they will finally stop delivering an underwhelming product, and hope that they will finally take the steps necessary to stand tall against the best competition out there. As an Xbox One owner, I have the same hope – the hope that MLB Advanced Media will release a baseball title for the Xbox console that can be mentioned in the same conversation as MLB the Show, without it being a joke.

Devil May Cry 5 Review

Over the course of nearly two decades, this franchise went through multiple highs and lows. From the excellent original, Devil May Cry, it dropped to an all-time low with its sequel Devil May Cry 2, only to rise once again with the incredible Devil May Cry 3. For the most part, the soul of the series retained its identity with Devil May Cry 4, but got ruined by the failed re-imagining in DmC. Spanning so many games and stories, both successful and failed endeavours were all but unavoidable. But longtime fans of the series will be happy to find out that Devil May Cry 5 -- finally -- brings back everything we love about it, and then some. With that in mind, let's rock, baby!

MX vs ATV All Out Anniversary Edition Review

MX vs ATV All Out is back - this time as a breath of fresh air for those that missed out last time around. With the game celebrating its 1-year anniversary, there is little more you could ask for than having it return with all the most popular DLC thrown in to create the ultimate MX vs ATV All Out experience, with the Anniversary Edition.

Overload Review

For those yet to hear of Overload, it’s a game that comes from the guys over at Revival Productions and part of the reason why it looks and feels a lot like the aforementioned Descent - for those of you old enough to remember Descent that is - is because the guys behind the development are indeed the same ones that created the classic title all the way back in 1995.

Daggerhood Review

Another day, another retro indie 2D platformer. Does Daggerhood have anything to separate it from the rest?

Trials Rising Review

Ubisoft and Redlynx are back with a brand new instalment of their ever popular 2.5D racing series with Trials Rising. The highly-admired games always deliver on great variety, fantastic level design and challenging tracks. They're incredibly fun and always give new ways to test your racing skills. Does Trials Rising stand up to the test? Or has the series lost its appeal?

RemiLore: Lost Girl in the Lands of Lore Review

The premise of Remilore: Lost Girl in the Lands of Lore isn't exactly what many would call inspired. Your short adventure follows Remi, a schoolgirl who accidentally scares Lore, a sentient book, who then in return teleports them to the lands of Ragnoah. Over the course of a couple of hours or so you’ll fight your way through 12 levels, 4 bosses and countless bloodthirsty robots to get home. But what looks like a rote experience turns out to be one with surprising depth.

Fimbul Review

Fimbul takes you to the world of Norse legend with giant trolls, heroic warriors and beautiful snowy worlds. And that combination seems hugely appealing.

Treasure Stack Review

I often reflect on which genre of game has taken up most of my time, and the humble puzzler has to be right up there near the top. I simply cannot resist the combination of the pick up and play, one more go elements. Chuck in some online competitive play to top things off and you’ve got yourself a hit, in my humble opinion. Enter Treasure Stack, which has my wish list firmly in its crosshairs.

Old Man’s Journey Review

Let's not beat around the bush... I'm old, I'm a man, and I've been on many journeys. In fact, I can fully relate to the title of this game.

Final Fantasy IX Review

Make no bones about it, Final Fantasy IX is one of most universally adored Final Fantasy games out there and – for the most part – returning to Gaia is a blast, with this more traditional and medieval setting for a Final Fantasy game harking back to the series’ formative years.

Anthem Review

Ah, Bioware. How I’ve enjoyed your games in the past; apparently one of only three people in the world who actually liked Mass Effect Andromeda. Now Anthem is here have they managed to break the curse of Andromeda to be able to create a universally good game? Is it the masterpiece to catapult Bioware back to the dizzy heights that they used to occupy?

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