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Destroy your mates with Tricky Tanks on Xbox


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Tricky Tanks gets blasting onto Xbox

We assumed that Tricky Tanks on Xbox would be the next instalment in EpiXR Games’ long-running ‘… Tanks’ series of games. We were wrong. Tricky Tanks is in fact from benjisoft. Honestly, it looks like it could well be a decent bit of fun too. 

Tricky Tanks on Xbox is available right now. It’s priced at £4.19 and tasks you with taking to the couch alongside friends, before trying to blast the living daylights out of them. Destroy them!


In that respect, it all feels very much like Sugar Tanks, Retro Tanks and the – brilliantly named – Tanky Tanks series. And we guess it probably is too, for there’s only so much you can do with a local multiplayer tank battler when you are on a budget. 

But for the cheap feels of Tricky Tanks on Xbox, hopes are high. There are some forty levels included in this one. And those levels are split across a variety of different environments. Further to that, your little tanks are equipped with a host of primary and secondary weapons.

And that all means that this one should begin to play a bit like Worms meets Bomberman. Just with tanks. Tricky tanks in fact. 

Key features

If you’re looking for a new local multiplayer game for those evening sessions, then perhaps Tricky Tanks should be considered. The key features certainly help sell it. 

  • 40 levels
  • 4 environments (snow, city, egypt, country)
  • lots of primary weapons : flamethrower, laser, regular bullet, cluster bullet, shotgun, seeking bullets, pashtrough , seeking passthrough
  • lots of secondary weapons (long press) : grenade, cheese bomb, elephant , bowling ball, drone + Mines

Buy it now!

Should you fancy giving this one a go, pop over to the Xbox Store right now. If interested, Tricky Tanks is playable on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. 

Tricky Tanks on Xbox Game Description

Tricky tanks is a local couch multiplayer game. Imagine a realtime Worms x Towerfall x Bomberman on steroids. Playable from 2 ro 4 players, with a variety of absurd weapons ( Cheese Bombs, Elephants, Bowling Balls, etc…) and 4 different environments

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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