HomeTheXboxHub News...DreamBreak available now on Xbox One

DreamBreak available now on Xbox One


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Fancy a game that brings you multiple endings for just £6.39? You’ll want to get a bit of DreamBreak.

Available right now, the usual £7.99 price tag of DreamBreak has currently been hit with a small discount, and that means you’ll never get the chance to pick up the latest Xbox One game at a cheaper price – at least not until it hits an Xbox Live Deals With Gold sale further down the line.

But what is it? Well DreamBreak comes with a very distinct art style, and takes you into a Russian point and click world like no other. You’ll find yourself hacking the brains of cops, racing hover bikes, surviving tense shootouts and getting fingered for murder. Or at least we think you will be, because with various endings, you’ll never really be too sure where the story in DreamBreak is going to take you.

Should you be interested, then the Xbox Games Store awaits. We’ll have a full review for you soon too – if you’re on the fence then it may be worth holding off until then.

Game Description:

An authoritarian state pacifying the masses with propaganda. A brutal police force that shoots first then shoots some more. An ordinary everyman named Eugene, dragged by coincidence and circumstance from a life of mundane menial tasks into a baffling world of sudden, inexplicable murder, hidden conspiracy and unrelentingly lethal robots with nasty sharp pincers and lasers coming out of everywhere. Depicted in a distinctive Cyrillic pixel art style the cyberpunk city crackles with tech-noir intrigue and neo-digital deceptions. Using every tool at your disposal help Eugene to unpick the knot of mystery that he has become enmeshed within – your equilibrium will be rocked as you point and click a path through this briar patch of tangled meaning and unexpected quixotic quirks. Will Eugene make sense of the conundrum that unfolds before him, learn who is an ally or a foe and collect lots of vinyl records for his listening pleasure? He’ll race rapid hover bikes to earn sub-cultural respect, rub shoulders with high society in a post-modern nightclub, hack the brains of pursuing drone cops in thrill-packed chase sequences, strive to survive tense shootouts with merciless law enforcers and enjoy some 8-bit cowboy coin-op action in a dingy dive bar with a broken toilet. Key features: – Multiple endings – Unique blend of action, point and click and Russia – Get fingered for murder

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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