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Have a ball as Football, Tactics & Glory releases on Xbox One, PS4 and Nintendo Switch 


football tactics and glory xbox

It’s been a year since we first heard that Football, Tactics & Glory would be coming to consoles. But now, after missing the first release promise, it’s here – with a launch on Xbox One, PS4 and Nintendo Switch ensuring that lovers of the beautiful game now have some kind of opposition to the usual FIFA and PES affairs.

Priced up at a cool £33.49 and available right now from the usual digital stores, Football, Tactics & Glory does away with the tried and tested football methods employed by the likes of EA with FIFA 20 and Konami and eFootball PES 2020, to instead go deep on the tactical side of things, skipping the boring parts and delivering a strategic take on the global game.

Football, Tactics & Glory on Xbox One, PS4 and Nintendo Switch takes the basics of football management and keeps things utterly simple, working as a turn-based strategy game that could possibly ensure it appeals to more than the average football fan. Doing away with spreadsheets and numbers, it instead sees you attempting to place your team strategically on the pitch, capitalising on the weaknesses of your opponents to deliver a unique take on the football scene. With the chance to work your way up through the leagues, partake in cup runs, buy and sell players, and ultimately become league and cup double winners, Football, Tactics & Glory certainly comes at a unique angle. 

Throw in a deep face editor letting you amend the look of your players, the promise of ‘smooth animations’ and the chance to hit up the online world, and you’ll fast realise how this game differs from the usual fast paced soccer takes. 

If you wish to give it a shot and can stomach that pretty hefty price tag, then head on over to the Xbox Store, the PlayStation Store, or the Nintendo eShop and grab your download. Should you be looking to understand more about the game then our full review of Football, Tactics & Glory on Xbox One is fast approaching. It’ll be able to give you a deep insight into the beautiful game and what makes this a success. Or not. Keep an eye out for it.

Game Description:

Football, Tactics & Glory is a strategy game in the football world. Football, Tactics & Glory reinvents the basics of the football management genre, making it appealing to everyone, not just the most hardcore football management aficionados. The game skips the boring parts of football management games – all those endless tables, numbers, routine and micromanagement. But it is deep enough to keep players engrossed for hundreds of hours. If you enjoy turn-based gameplay, strategy or tycoon games, you will love Football, Tactics & Glory.

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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