Many may still be worrying about the recent release delay, but right now there is something a whole load better for fans of Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 to feast on – the latest cinematic trailer.
Released today, the Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 Brothers trailer shows that the bond between brothers can be a complicated affair, as CI Games share a sneaky little peek into the relationship between Jon and Robert North.
Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 will not only bring you the most complete sniper experience ever, but it’ll tell you a story – one of brotherhood, faith and betrayal – as you take on the role of an Jonathan North, an American sniper who is dropped into enemy territory in northern Georgia, nearby Russian borders. You’ll get the chance to explore large open-world maps, complete with dynamic weather and a full day and night cycle that actually impacts play and decisions.
But that’s not all as you’ll also be left to customize your weapon equipment, accessories, vehicles and a drone, all whilst utilising the three pillars of gameplay to your liking: Sniper, Ghost and Warrior.
Having been raised on a ranch at the foot of the Colorado Rockies, Jon and his younger brother, Robert, were always best friends and also their own greatest rivals. Their family always considered military service the highest form of patriotism, so it was no surprise that both of them enlisted as soon as they were able to.
But while Jon has been shaped into a resolutely “follow the book” type of Marine, Robert quickly rose through the ranks of the US Navy–despite using sometimes using unorthodox methods–and became more rebellious and skeptical of authority along the way. Robert deeply loves his older brother, but also believes that an old-school way of thinking in warfare will inevitably leave Jon behind.
The question that remains is who captured Jon’s brother, Robert, and did he want to be captured?
Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 releases on Xbox One, PS4 and PC come April 25th 2017, but until then, hit up the trailer below.
Soundtrack is awesome that’s for sure. Well, this is Stroinski – he did incredible job in The Witcher 3.
Man, this is the best 😀 But there is no way to acomplish the game without using sniping and sneaking. I tried in Open Beta and I was dead in few seconds 😉
In this gameplay are some good tips, I’ll be using them while playing tomorrow. Thank you very much for it.
I don’t mind to wait a little longer. I think important thing is there will be any. Tomorrow we’ll be able to play single player and let’s be excited about it 🙂 (I am! very!)
I love the trailer. Finally we have FPS with some serious story. Usually there are some shallow stories just justifying the killing.
Awesome video man! I liked watching it so much! I do hope that I will have the same amount of fun I had while watching it in the actual game
You will have loads of fun unless you play the realistic mode. I think if you play SGW 3 at this difficulty you will be stressed out all the time 😛
I do love the music as well. I think that it works so good with the game and the Gorgian folk is also awesome!
Thats true, its something tha could be in radio when we take a car:)
I love the music in Sniper Ghost Warrior 3. Honestly there wasn’t too much of it in open beta, but if soundtrack is similar, this is going to be great.
Thats true. We didn’t have a chance to be familiar with music in open beta, but CI Games made a step forward and gave opportunity to buy both soundtracks.
OMG, this one is absolutely fabulous 😀 I guess now I have to remember to STAY ALIVE when I’ll be flying down like majestic eagle 🙂
Obviously this guy knows how to mak good gameplay. He shows interesting things instead doing same stuff again and again.
Yeah that’s right. Surely SGW 3 won’t be a repetitive game and all quests (most quests) will be different
Waiting lnger for MP? Who cares? I was going to check out single player first anyway. I want to find out if this game is really good 🙂
Well there is this advantage that you will get skill in the SP mode first and you will be able to own them noobs in the MP later on 😀
I like this information about multiplayer. I want to play singleplayer first. Then i can challenge with other players online. The fact that they will release MP later gives me time for that 🙂
Oh yeah you are right. At least you will fin your favourite weapon before you play multiplayer. Maybe it;s better that it’s coming later on
well i don’t see a point to enter a MP game if you’re not at least familiar with controls, weapons, in-game physics etc, so i doesn’t really matter if MP is going to be released sooner or later. ANyway, the game is almost there, i cant wait to try it out
I did see the video but if anyone has not seen it yet be warned, there are quite a few spoilers from the first few missions in SP
Well I do think that you don’t need to mention that there are spoilers in the gameplay. Each gameplay has spoilers
Sure maybe you are right. Nevertheless it would be nice to see a spoiler warning. Especially nowadays when people are oversensitive about spoilers
Thanks for the video man! All the locations look very cool and it seams that they fixed some issues with graphics since the beta tests
No problem. CI Games is fixing everything what they can. I’ve heard that there will be 0 day patch. I dont know ho much of this i true, but if something like must be, i wish not to download too much.
They have been working very hard to fix everything and I thin k that they are still working on day zero patch
Fixing issues was a priority for CIG. They had so much work and they announced long term support.
I love this movie man. It’s only a bit over a minute long but it’s so much fun. Can’t wait to shoot guys in the d**k 😛
I think that it might be against the Geneva Convention but sure as hell it looks awesome when you take someone down with a d**k shoot 😀
I am sure it is against the Geneva Convention. Thankfully it’s just a game and you can do everything what you wouldn’t do in the real life 🙂
Sure thing man I was just joking as the people who made this video. They were also joking 😀
Man, this video s hilarious!!! I guess this is first time in my life I find IGN’s video funny. Mostly they’re pathetic.
I love this trailer. It’s important for the game to have interesting story and I’m sure this one will be amazing. Can’t wait to play!!!!!!
After so many interviews we can enjoy story trailer, that is a quick recap of all news about game. And also it shows that cienamtics will be on high level.
To me story in games like this one is very important. Probably that’s why I was so disappointed by Sniper Elite 4.
Agreed! I love it when there’s an interesting story in a game. I like SE games but it gets boring after a while when you are not invested in the main character…
I am a fan of SE games but I do have to agree with you on this one. It was exclusively about sniping and everything else was forgotten. Glad to see that SGW 3 will be different
Yeah. And the story looks nice, right? I hope they won’t delay it anymore, because I’m curious how the game ends. And yes I know what does it sound like before even start playing 😀
I must admin, that it sound strange:) I hope, you wan’t be such newbie in FPS and you will not search YT for cinematic ending, right?:) There is lot of fun out there [in SGW3] so it would ba a shame to ignore that fact:)
Now I’m going to have to put this back on the wishlist! I hoped SE4 would ‘scratch that itch’ for a sniper game, but this looks awesome.
Well, actually I’ve played in Beta of SGW3, and in final version of SE4 ( unfortunately!) and I need to admit, that SGW3 beats new SE! In fact, new SE4 is nothing more than SE3 with larger lvls, and this lvls is a reason why they didn’t took this part as a DLC for SE3. On the other hand SGW3, a lot of improvments and whole new idea for sniping. SE was boring for me, SGW with a lot of optimalisation issues, was more curious than SE. Still SE is only a shooter with a sniper as a main character. SGW is an semi simulator of sniper.
CI Games decided to put everything on one card. They rebuild own meaning of sniping game and after beta im sure, that fixing all glitches and issues, that players had send will make this game better. Its good, but can be better. SE4 i played and, well, it still that same. SGW made a step forward.
I was disappointed with SE4 to be honest. This is really the same game, only with a little better graphics. How many times you can kill Hitler? I know he was a bastard, but it’s getting boring.
it’s all about the approach i guess. and the little differences. u know, like racing games or FIFA, it’s always the same gameplay, but still there are a lot of people who do it all again and again. I can kill hitler a few more times