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Paint your way through the levels in Neon Souls


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Neon Souls Xbox

In Super Meat Boy, every death covers the level in blood. Now, imagine if you can a level completely in black, where platforms and boundaries need ‘discovering’. Rather than dying to highlight these areas, you can paint them with some dazzling neon colours. This is Neon Souls, and it is out today on Xbox, Nintendo Switch and PlayStation.

Neon Souls is a fast-paced 2D platformer where highlighting the platforms is half of the challenge. As a blob-like figure armed with neon ink, you must find the platforms to get through the levels and defeat the bosses.

Neon Souls also features:

  • Parkour platforming
  • Paint everything in beautiful colors
  • 50 levels
  • 4 bosses
  • Gradually increasing difficulty

Now, there is also something else noteworthy with Neon Souls. It is a Ratalaika Games port, so that means easy achievements. A quick look at the achievement list and it would appear that you do not need to finish all 50 levels to get every achievement. Whether you agree with that or not, could the temptation of easy Gamerscore be enough for you to part with your cash? Either way, that might be a good thing as the difficulty will increase the further you go in Neon Souls.

Neon Souls is on the Xbox Store now priced at £4.99. As with other Ratalaika Games, there is a small discount for the launch period, dropping the price down to £3.99 for a short time. If you fancy lighting up these dark areas, let us know in the comments below.

Game description

Neon Souls is a fast-paced platformer where you paint invisible platforms with neon ink. Use your parkour skills including jumping, double jumping, wall jumping, and sliding to paint everything around you. The game offers 50 levels of challenge, including 4 enormous bosses to defeat. The challenge gradually builds over time, and your puzzle solving and precision will be put to the test.

Richard Dobson
Richard Dobson
Avid gamer since the days of Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Grew up with the PS1 and PS2 but changed allegiances in 2007 with the release of Halo 3.
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