HomeTheXboxHub News...Rebound Dodgeball Evolved releases on Xbox One and Steam

Rebound Dodgeball Evolved releases on Xbox One and Steam


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Got some dodgeballing skills? Want to lay them down on a futuristic court? Rebound Dodgeball Evolved is here, releasing on Xbox One and PC.

Available to purchase and download this very minute, Rebound Dodgeball Evolved delivers a whole new dodgeball experience – one that is fast, intense, competitive and a bit of a game changer.

Priced up at £12.49 and available from the Xbox Store for Xbox One, with a Steam launch running hand-in-hand, if you are in need of a game which sees the usual dodgeballing experience mixed up a bit, Rebound is for you.

Our full review will be coming your way in the days ahead, but for now all you need to know about Rebound is that it takes dodgeball into the future, with a sci-fi setting, twin-stick shooting controls and enough multiplayer action to ensure there is reason to continually keep heading back for more.

This is dodgeball redefined – Evolved, if you will – and Rebound will bring you Mutators which massively change up the way the standard game will play. For instance you can speed up the ball, or slowdown time, utilise new abilities or change the entire behaviour of what was previously known. Teleportation, anyone?

With both local and online multiplayer options in place the opportunity to put your skills on the line and prove once and for all that you are the ultimate dodgeballing champion is highly possible with Rebound. The question is, once you prove your worth, will you have what it takes to stay there?

Let us know what you think about this latest dodgeball game to hit Xbox One and Steam. The comments are down below.

Game Description:

Rebound is a fast, competitive, multiplayer Sci-fi themed dodgeball game. The top down camera and twin stick shooter controls makes it easy to just pick up and play however the fast-paced nature of the game gives it a high skill ceiling. Players can team up and play against each other both online and offline with any combination of maps, Mutators, and gamemodes. Mutators greatly change up the rules of Rebound by changing the behaviour of the dodgeballs or through adding new abilities. Instead of slowing down over time, Nitro Ball speed the ball up with each collision resulting in a hectic game that only gets more dangerous over time. Time Glitch throws a spanner in the works by throwing everyone back in time to where they were shortly before, pay attention and you can save your past self from a dodgeball! With over 15 unique maps you must adapt quickly to take advantage of the new geometry and stage hazards to ensure the win. Watch out for portals! Rebound can be played both locally and online with up to 4 players. Team up with your friends or play free-for-all to see who truly is the dodgeball champion. Create a playlist with any combination of maps and Mutators for the ultimate customised experience or play one of the pre-made recommended a themed playlists.

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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