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Save the local arcade from tyrannous hands in Arcadegeddon on Xbox, PlayStation and PC


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Coming to you from the capable minds of IllFonic – devs behind the cult classic Friday the 13th the Game – Arcadegeddon pits you against the omnipotent terror of capitalism as a mega corp attempts to take down the last existing traditional arcade for miles around. In a final attempt to breathe new life into this arcade, its owner – Gilly – produces a new game for fans to play… until it gets hijacked by our money-hungry foes with their destructive virus.

Releasing today on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and PC (with the game coming out of early access programmes on PS5 and PC), Arcadegeddon provides players with a brand new co-operative multiplayer shooter to jump into, complete with vibrant colours and powerful abilities. When adventuring across a number of biomes, taking down some crazy enemies and bosses along the way, there truly is no limit to the wackiness on show – after all, we are placed into a video game!

Whilst you can take on the story as a solo player, the true fun comes when you band together up to three friends and engage in a range of PvE and PvP through a range of mini-games to complement the action-packed combat fare. 

A full list of Arcadegeddon’s features, as outlined by the team at IllFonics, is thus:

Key features:

  • 11 Gang Leaders (9 Gang Leaders released during Early Access)
  • 6 Biomes (5 Biomes released during Early Access)
  • 4 Bosses and a Final Boss Loop (Partial Boss Loop released during
  • Early Access)
  • 8 Base Enemies making for 31 Possible Variants (7 Base Enemies
  • released during Early Access)
  • And More!

If you fancy getting your hands on a copy of Arcadegeddon today, the Xbox Store is your first port of call for all things Xbox, of course, at a price of roughly $29.99. Alternatively, the game is available on PS5, PS4 and PC, with physical editions of the game also out there on the market.

Game Description:

Arcadegeddon is an ever-evolving co-op multiplayer experience rated T for Teen, and provides a mix of PVE and PVP experiences that allows for all different speeds of play.

I'm an avid gamer who will play pretty much anything... but stick an open world or adventure game in front of me and I'm more than happy.
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