Need some old-school survival horror? Well, Syndrome may just be worth keeping a little eye on.
Arriving on PC come Oct 6th 2016, Syndrome will then finally release on Xbox One and PS4 sometime in early 2017. Whilst a release date for the console version isn’t yet set in stone, we’ll be sure to let you know once it has.
As a member of the ship’s crew, you awaken from cryosleep to find it’s not at all the way you remember. Your friends and coworkers are gone and in their place are transformed monstrosities that kill without mercy. The ship is completely adrift in space without a course or destination, so you will need to uncover the events that took place during your sleep to have any hope of surviving this waking nightmare.
It is survival horror in its rawest form, taking you back to the roots of the genre with few weapons and limited ammunition. With fast and deadly blood thirsty creatures roaming the dark, perhaps staying out of sight is the wiser decision.
For now, the gameplay trailer will have to ensure your nights are sleepless.