As gamers we always seem to be on the lookout for the next accessory for our Xbox One’s and Xbox 360’s. No matter how big or small they may be, most additions are good ones. Already being big fans of iMP Tech’s previous market addition, that of the Trigger Treadz, we were seriously looking forward to checking out their new sellers…Thumb Treadz for Xbox One.
But do the thumbsticks on our glorious Xbox One controllers need a makeover?
Well, being honest, with the already highly textured outer surface of the sticks, not really. But hey, when has that ever stopped anyone!
Thumb Treadz for Xbox One fit neatly over our controller sticks, giving an extra level of grip to those long sweaty gaming sessions. Coming in a pack of four, you’ll find two distinctly different styles included. Two of the Thumb Treadz are made of hard TPU material and come with a rather nice dimpled effect. Not only do these look decent both on and off the controller, but they also feel nice to use with hardly any slip of either your fingers on the Treadz or indeed the Treadz directly on the controller. They work well and for the price are a superb addition to the market.
The second set of covers however feel and act completely differently.
With a much softer silicon feel, these come with a circular ridged pattern that is gorgeous to touch when handling straight out of the packet. Unfortunately they don’t work half as well when situated on the actual controller. Running at a slightly larger size than their hard TPU friends (I’m not really sure why that is), I’d hesitate to say they are a little too large for the control sticks. Yes they are easier to fit than the others, but they also have a tendency to slip, especially when putting any major pressure and force through them. Indeed, if you catch your thumb on the edge of the silicon grips, they will more than happily slip right off and that’s the last thing you want when cornering hard in Forza Horizon 2!
Ideally, I would have liked to have seen a pack of Thumb Treadz come complete with just TPU Treadz, preferably with the two differing patterns to suit each session. Whilst the silicon covers feel nicer off the controller, its all about what they do whilst in place that really counts and I can’t honestly say I would use the silicon ones for any length of time; especially not whilst in the heat of the battle.
When we had the chance to review the original Trigger Treadz for Xbox One, we were mighty impressed and still have them fitted to our controllers now. In fact, I couldn’t be done with using an Xbox One controller with naked triggers; it just no longer feels right.
I can’t say the same about Thumb Treadz though because whilst they do a job, I’m not sure it was a job that needed filling. Especially when only half the pack are of any real use to the hardcore gamer.
For the £3.99 price though….
If you are interested in purchasing a set of Thumb Treadz, visit the guys at now. Or you could always try and win a set in our current competition.