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Which of this week’s Xbox Live Deals With Gold bargains should you pick up? – 12th December 2017


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With the Christmas spirit swiftly knocking on the doors of many homes across the world, chances are that most of your money has been drained from your wallet. Nevertheless, it’s that time of week again in which the Xbox Live Deals With Gold sale arrives to bring us some tasteful deals. So here we are to give our opinion on which ones are the best, and worst, value. So, without further ado let’s jump straight into this week’s offers.

Grab6180 the moon – 33% off – £2.14

Whilst there aren’t a massive number of great deals to be had this week, anyone looking for a treat will definitely want to grab themselves a download of 6180 the moon.

In this clever platformer, players must contend with a unique mechanic that sees the top and bottom of the screen hold no barriers, with the screen instead connecting as one. This means jumping off the screen will see players enter the other side and it will be necessary to master this should you hope to master every challenging level on offer within 6180 the moon.

A short and sweet story that sees the Moon set off on a journey to find the Sun who has gone missing from his usual location, players will need to avoid many hazardous threats along the way, in a game that proves increasingly challenging from start to finish. Whether you’ve heard of this little indie adventure or not, this is one game we should all be buying into.

Grab Bridge Constructor – 67% off – £2.64

Although Bridge Constructor Stunts may have taken away the magic of the series’ original, Bridge Constructor had it all. With sixty-four levels spread across six unique settings, there was very little time to tire of the bridge building to be had along the way.

With four different materials of Wood, Steel, Cables and Concrete Pillars, Bridge Constructor has many ways to create the perfect bridge and tackle the many levels within. Multiple vehicles are used to get across and stars are available to be earnt for your efforts, so it’s time to grab your spanners and get building as you look to become the Bridge Constructor.

Just make sure you tighten those cables.

LeaveNASCAR Heat 2 – 30% off – £20.99

We hoped and hoped for a decent racer but once more they failed to deliver.

NASCAR Heat 2 arrived a few months back,  butfans of the oval racer once more found themselves looking at another disappointing entry to the series. With it providing a lack of authentic gameplay, poor visuals, an uninspiring Career mode and a multiplayer that proves to be the stuff of nightmares, there is really no reason to warrant spending any amount of money on this one, let alone any amount in the double digits.

With many other top-quality racers available, and some involving a cheaper price tag too, it’s going to take a lot for us to ever advise against a purchase of such a poor showing of the beloved racing series. And besides, you’ll be needing that extra cash for wrapping paper in the coming days.


So, there we have it, another week of Xbox Live Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale bargains, and our thoughts on which are worth spending a little of that Christmas cash on, and which ones should be left at the bottom of the imaginary bargain bin.

Do you agree with our choices? Will you be picking up this week’s bargains? Let us know in the comments below or via our usual social channels, and don’t forget to head on down to CDkeys to save some extra coins with some of their super cheap Xbox Live credit.

In the meantime, for a complete list of this weeks deals, why not check out our full article with everything you can hope to find for a reduced price on Xbox One and Xbox 360 this week.

Xbox Live Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale Details 12th-18th Dec 2017

Carlos Santuana (Sly Boogie1993)
Carlos Santuana (Sly Boogie1993)
After 20 years of playing every game I can get my hands on, I can now be found selling my soul for anything Resident Evil, Gears of War, or Gamerscore related... all of which will be mastered after a good cuppa!
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