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Will you be making the most of Dead by Daylight’s Tools of Torment?


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The twenty-seventh chapter in Dead by Daylight’s long and storied history, the Tools of Torment are ready for use, bringing in a ton of new tech, a new Killer and new Survivor siblings. 

You should be well aware of Dead by Daylight, but in case you need a quick refresher, it’s Behaviour Interactive’s 1v4 multiplayer slasher in which you play as a Survivor (attempting to survive) or a Killer (going all out to kill). It’s a game that has been around for years – as the twenty-seventh chapter that this is tells – keeping things fresh with a steady stream of new content. 

The latest smattering is that of the Tools of Torment chapter, and that is the focus today. It’s this which adds in a new Killer in The Skull Merchant, alongside a double drop of Survivors, the first siblings in the game in the form of Thalita and Renato Lyra. Tools Of Torment also brings an update to the Shelter Woods Map which will now include The Skull Merchant’s Hunting Camp.

So what do we have on offer in Dead by Daylight’s Tools of Torment chapter? Well, the full rundowns of each are below, but you should also be aware that purchasing this chapter also unlocks a number of exclusive cosmetics – namely The Skull Merchant’s Slipshod Prototype, Thalita Lyra’s Golden Ambition and Renato Lyra’s Golden Touch.

But the main focus will be on the Killer, the Survivors and the Map…

  • Modern Slasher, Modern Tools – The Skull Merchant, known within the business world as Adriana Imai, is Dead by Daylight’s first original modern female slasher. A wealthy high-powered tech executive, she splits her life between aggressively buying and absorbing smaller companies as her public persona, and quenching her bloodlust in the guise of her alter ego. For The Skull Merchant, the thrill is truly in the hunt. With designs on becoming an apex hunter in a world of prey, she dedicates her ample resources towards the search for worthy adversaries to pit herself against. ​The Skull Merchant’s Power is Eyes in the Sky. Another Dead by Daylight milestone, Eyes in the Sky puts modern tech in a Killer’s hands for the first time, allowing her to position 4 Drones to surveil Survivors. While The Skull Merchant certainly has the means of purchasing the best of the best, she seeks to connect with every kill by building these Drones herself. Each Drone is crafted around the skull of a former victim, combining bone and tech to achieve a grisly handmade quality. Survivors will need to strategize on ways to avoid and disable these hovering horrors before their maker is alerted…
  • ​​​Blood Bonds – ​Hailing from Brazil, the sister and brother duo of Thalita and Renato Lyra are the first Survivor siblings to be pulled into The Fog together. A direct contrast of values from the brutal single-mindedness of The Skull Merchant, Thalita and Renato served as beacons of light within their community, using their kite-flying business to mentor children from the area. Positive, creative, and caring, working as a team is second nature to the siblings, making them ideal additions to any group of Survivors. ​These qualities are best reflected in the unique Teamwork Perks, which benefit those who choose to work together.
  • ​​Deadly Luxury – The Skull Merchant has set up her Hunting Camp in the existing Map of MacMillan Estate’s Shelter Woods. Formed from multiple connected shipping containers dropped into an area, The Hunting Camp is a true representation of both sides of Adriana Imai’s twisted world. The upper container is the Killer’s executive suite: clean, luxurious, and equipped with only premium commodities. Beneath it lies the Grim Workshop. Bathed in oil and blood, this is where The Skull Merchant tinkers to build her tools… and where she also houses many of her gruesome trophies. ​

Dead by Daylight: Tools of Torment Chapter is on the Xbox Store for some £9.99, playable with the base game on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. Remember, the standard game can be obtained via your Game Pass subscription if required. You’ll also find everything on PlayStation, PC (Epic or Windows Store) and Nintendo Switch. 

Let us know if you are dipping into Dead by Daylight with this latest chapter. 

DLC Description:

Dreams are free. Innovation requires sacrifice. Dead by Daylight’s Tools Of Torment Chapter features a new Killer – The Skull Merchant – and two new Survivors, Thalita Lyra and Renato Lyra. The Shelter Woods Map has also been updated to include The Skull Merchant’s Hunting Camp. Purchasing this add-on unlocks 3 exclusive Cosmetics: The Skull Merchant’s Slipshod Prototype, Thalita Lyra’s Golden Ambition, and Renato Lyra’s Golden Touch. The Killer is The Skull Merchant. Forever driven to hunt a worthy target, her reign is built on a mountain of bone. With eyes patrolling from above, her pursuit is relentless. Dead by Daylight: Tools of Torment also includes two Survivors – siblings Thalita and Renato Lyra. Once beloved pillars of the community, their kite-flying dreams came crashing down, swept into a blanket of nightmarish Fog.

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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