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Xbox Games With Gold now provides a free download of Tembo the Badass Elephant on Xbox One


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Can you remember back to 2015 when Game Freak and SEGA dropped Tembo The Badass Elephant onto console? Well we do, and even though there were a few slight issues holding back this mammoth new video game star, the platforming experience found within was pretty damn tasty. So now, some 4 years later, you’d be crazy to miss out on a download of Tembo on Xbox One, particularly now that it is free!

Available to grab for nothing via the Xbox Games With Gold scheme for October 2019, Tembo the Badass Elephant sees you slamming down into Shell City – a city on the verge of collapse after being invaded by the forces of PHANTOM. And when a city needs saving, a hero comes to the fore, a hero like Tembo… the badass elephant.

Playing out as a platformer with a little difference, you’ll need to help navigate Tembo through and across all manner of obstacles, as he goes up against the forces of PHANTOM to save Shell City. And for the most part what you’ll find within this experience is a fun little platformer that we think is better than many may take it for.

Should you therefore have missed out on a purchase of Tembo when it first released in 2015, then the free nature that the Xbox Games With Gold scheme is able to provide will mean that a download now in 2019 is a no-brainer. In fact, even if you don’t intend on playing through things with Tembo right now, grabbing the download and seeing it sit in your digital library for a time less full of new releases should be the way to go.

If you have a valid Xbox Live Gold subscription to hand and are on the lookout for a new game that tries something a little different to the norm then you could do a ton worse than take up this free download. You’ve got until the end of October in order to get your download moving. Let us know in the comments below what you think of Tembo – whether you played it first time around or are just getting in on the action now that it has gone free.

Game Description:

Shell City is plunged into a state of emergency after coming under attack from the devastating forces of PHANTOM. As the National Army struggle to contain the terrifying war machines, they call upon the only thing that stands between Shell City’s obliteration and its salvation; the peanut chompin’, villain stompin’, TEMBO THE BADASS ELEPHANT!

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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